This review contains spoilers!
Once again “Heartland” was back on Sunday with a new episode, and let me tell you, it was an exciting one. We saw some rodeo worthy bronc riding, some friendly and not so friendly competition, old romances being rekindled, new characters being introduced and big decisions having to be made. Don’t know what I am talking about? Well let’s find out, shall we?
This third “Heartland” episode was titled “New Kid in Town”, and very appropriately so, because we were introduced to a new character, none other than Tim’s ex-girlfriend’s nephew Clay. And this brought some complications for both Tim and Jade. Tim was finally forced to face Casey after their breakup which resulted in them deciding to give it another shot, and Jade got some new competition in Tim’s rodeo school, giving her a chance to really push to be better. But two questions remain. Will Tim and Casey last this time? And will Jade and Clay will become more than rivals during this season? I really hope that the answers to both of these questions are positive, because Casey can hold her own against Tim, and isn’t afraid to knock Tim’s ego down a peg, which in return makes for good television, and the actors who play Jade and Clay, Madison Cheeatow and Eric Gustafsson have great chemistry that I would like to see more of in the future episodes.
Besides the whole Rodeo school storyline, Georgie had one on her own again. If you remember in last season, Adam, who now is her boyfriend, was hired to tutor her in math. But this episode we saw her score higher on a math test than Adam, which brought out the sore-loser attitude in Adam and created a conflict in their relationship. Luckily, they were able to resolve their issues and move past this. But was this maybe an indicator that Adam and Georgie won’t last the whole season? Young love is fragile, after all.
Now on to our main couple Amy and Ty. This episode we got a story line for each of them, but we also saw them interact with each other, and it was oh so cute. Not only we saw Ty worried about his wife and their child when she agreed to work with a bronc, but we also saw Amy finally being really excited for her pregnancy, building baby’s changing table and so on. I love how Amy and Ty have finally found their footing as married couple and now are finding their way as soon-to-be parent. It is beyond cute and Amber Marshall and Graham Wardle are doing an amazing job at playing these roles.
Besides all that, like I already mentioned, Amy took on a client horse, a bronc named Hellion that had lost his mojo and had stopped bucking. And this horse seemingly was just what Amy need to get her mojo back and to realize that she still can work with horses and help them without riding them. I also loved to see Jack helping Amy with the riding portion of treating the horse, because that was a sweet granddaughter grandfather bonding scene. And by the end of the episode Amy also managed to “put the Hell back in Hellion” and give her client back his bronc, which always is a great thing.
But while Amy was doing her thing, Ty was off at Bob’s nature reserve treating animals and coming across a dilemma, that might just take him away from “Heartland” and Amy for a longer period of time. That was this dilemma? Him going to Mongolia with Bob Granger to stop bear poachers from killing endangered species. In the episode we saw first Georgie looking at an article online, that showed that bear poachers had killed a bear, whose species is going extinct, and then Ty himself looked at the article and expressed his disgusted towards it. But he wasn’t alone in those feelings, since Bob Granger brought it up, too, while Ty was at the reserve, and had an idea to contact his connections at Veterinarians Without Borders and get Ty and himself a chance to go to Mongolia to save these bears, which panned out, meaning that Ty now has to decide whether to stay in Heartland or go to Mongolia for four months. And although it seemed like his decision was clear, he told Bob that he is not going, since his wife is pregnant with their first child, I have a feeling that it is not the end of it, not if Amy has something to say about it, and that Ty will end up going to Mongolia opening up a whole new story arc for the character.
Lastly, even though old characters were showing up on “Heartland” and new ones were introduced this episode, the one character that was missing this episode was Lou. Of course we know from the previous episodes that she is in New York in investor meetings for Maggie’s 2 in Brooklyn, and we also heard her being mentioned by Amy, since in true Lou fashion, she was sending Amy links of different baby related things, I still missed seeing Michelle Morgan and I hope that her New York adventures won’t last too long or rather that they won’t take up too much time in the next “Heartland” episodes.
Highlights of the episode:
• Amy and Ty cuteness
• Amy and Jack working together on the bronc
• Tim and Casey getting back together
• Amy’s excitement about the pregnancy
• Amy’s baby bump
• Tim being a hardass on his rodeo school students
Let-downs of the episode:
• Ty possibly going to Mongolia
• Adam being angry that Georgie got a higher mark than him
• Lou not being in this episode at all
Quote of the episode:
Ty: Amy you can’t work with a bronc right now, not like this.
Amy: Ah, yes I can, Ty, I don’t have to ride a horse to work with one. And I can do that even like this (motioning to her baby belly).
Ty: Okay, but..
Amy: No!
Ty: I am looking out for you!
Amy: Stop! Okay? Bubble wrap, bubble wrap..