This review contains spoilers!
On last nights “Heartland” episode we saw a huge decision being made, some sweet moments, some anger from none other than Tim and we said goodbye to a major character, at least for a bit. Plus, a beloved character was finally back on our screens, too. Which made the episode sincere, genuine, and truly great continuation to the already great start of the show’s 10th season.
Like we already saw on previous “Heartland” episode, this episode Ty continued to struggle with a huge decision, because he had to figure out whether to fallow his dreams and go save Gobi bears in Mongolia or to stay in Heartland with Amy and help her with the pregnancy. And although it was pretty obvious what his decision will be as soon as Casey and Amy started to talk about regret, it was still sad to see Ty go, because it means that we won’t see him and Amy being cute on screen anymore, not at least for a few episodes. On the other hand, Ty leaving also meant that the show’s writers were able to come up with a truly heartfelt episode that showed us how great of a family the Bartlett-Fleming clan actually are. Besides Amy supporting Ty and letting him follow his dreams before the baby comes, we saw Georgie also being excited for him and at the end saying goodbye to him like a sister would say goodbye to her brother. Then of course there was Jack, who, seemingly wasn’t on board with Tamys decision, but ultimately just didn’t want to lose his son, because he saw Ty going to Mongolia similar to what parents’ experience when their son is going to war. And Tim being Tim, he just simply refused to understand why Ty wants to go, but at the end of the day, he too said goodbye to Ty saying for Ty to get back not just because Amy needs him, but also because they all need him. I just loved that scene, and it was a great illustration to the fact that at this show’s core there is family, and family stands by other family member’s decisions, even if they wouldn’t make that decision themselves.
Speaking of Ty leaving, we also finally saw Scott again. Although his name is mentioned fairly often on the show, Nathaniel Arcand, who plays Scott, haven’t been on the show that much lately, so I was glad that we saw him again. More so, I was glad that we saw him let Ty go chase his dreams and still keep him on board as a partner in the Vet Clinic. It was a cool moment between a mentor and mentee, and hopefully in indicates that Graham Wardle isn’t leaving the show anytime soon.
The horse case of the episode this time around was Tim’s on-again girlfriend Casey’s horse, who had stopped eating. And like most of the time the horse being sick let its owner also realize something about themselves. In this case it let Casey realize, that she really has regrets about giving up her barrel racing carrier for her late husband. And it also helped her and Tim mend their relationship even further, since he said to Casey, that he would never stand in the way of her dreams, which is what your other half should ultimately do, just because you are together with someone doesn’t meant that you should forget about your wishes and goals in life. Oh, “Heartland” you teach us so much every episode!
And lastly there also was the story line of Jade and Georgie, but mostly Jade trying to turn Maggie’s into a hip spot, after Tim hires them to help our around the diner. This story line, along with the first couple of scenes in which Jack is brought Amy and Ty truck-shopping, added some much needed lightheartedness to the episode, which was much needed between all the other heavy scenes and topics covered in those scenes. And the Jade, Georgie diner story line also allowed us to see Amber Marshall and Shaun Johnston to sing together again, which is always a treat. “Heartland” truly is an amazing show, because over whole 9 seasons, and now going into the tenth, this family drama has managed to always leave me feeling happy and content at the end of every episode, and, since no other show has managed to do that, yet, it says something about the quality of the show.
Highlights of the episode:
• Amy and Ty really thinking over their decision
• Amy supporting Ty and prompting him to follow his dreams
• Jack and Tim bickering about who is better at getting a better deal on a truck
• Casey being worried about her horse
• Seeing Scott in this episode
• The goodbye scene at the end of the episode
• Amy and Jack singing
Let-downs of the episode:
• Tim blowing up at dinner about Amy and Ty’s decision
• Georgie blindly following Jade when she decides to turn Maggie into a hip spot
Quote of the episode:
Car’s salesman: You know to sweeten the deal; I might be able to give you something for that truck (pointing to Jack’s truck). Maybe it is a collector’s item, right?
Jack: Not interested.
Car’s salesman: Well let’s see how she runs.
Jack: She run’s just fine. Let’s go! (Jack tries to turn on the truck, while looking at the salesman, but can’t)
Car’s salesman: (laughs silently)
Possibly the point is that the Gobi bears being nearly extinct, and the effort to save them is REAL LIFE. Maybe this is a really smart, and no cost way to bring attention to their plight
It’s definitely a possibility, Linda.
I think it is ridiculous that a husband would leave his pregnant wife for four months to go to try to save bears, when he could not even get time to celebrate their weddding anniversary because he was always to busy, but some how now can get four months to go away. I think in this show Tye has time for everything and everyone except Amy. He has responsibilities but Bob has none and thinks that Tye should ignore his. This is not what would happen in real life. This is why I hate this show,everything is to far fetched, they spend so much time on everything else but their relationship. No marriage would survive. I know it is just a show but it is a little bit unrealistic. So is he going to go every time some animal is in trouble and spend his life saving the animal kingdom one animal at a time. I guess he will feel the same way all the time and ther are always animals in danger of becoming extinct, so I guess the animals will always come first over his family. So I guess he might be more like his fathers character then I thought. I feel like I’m watching Lou and Peter’s relationship again wher Peter is always off doing his work and has no time for his wife and kids.
There definitely is some through to what you are saying. But, since, Heartland is a TV show, you have to realize, that they also have to not only exaggerate some aspects of the show, but also make the show new and exciting season after season, which, I thing is why they did the Mongolia story line for Ty.