The Madam Secretary season 3 episode 10 was intense to say the least. It finally closed the first part of the presidential election story line, showed us what happened to Russell Jackson as well as put an end to the peace deal negotiations. A lot happened in this episode, so let’s get into its review.
Warning, spoilers ahead!
Case of the week
Since this episode was a direct continuation of episode 9 of the show, we saw the threat of war between Iran and Israel still looming over our main character’s heads. And that meant that the case of the week was to stop another conflict in the Middle East and finally broker the peace deal.
That alone is a tall order, but add the looming presidential vote and Russell Jackson’s heart attack to the mix and our heroes really had an ambitious task at hand. But Elizabeth, with a little help from Juliet as well as Russell’s painkillers induced words, figured out how to achieve peace. She decided to bring both sides together, Israel and Iran, together and show them how it is the prime time for them to establish peace, what with the destruction both countries are facing if they go to war.
By using some fancy footwork both Elizabeth and Conrad managed to get Israel and Iran so sign the peace deal. And that not only prevented a potential war and bettered the situation between Iran and Israel, but also helped Dalton in the race for presidency.
The presidential vote
Yes, this episode we also saw a conclusion to the half-a-season-long story line of presidential election. Well at least a conclusion to first part of this ordeal, as we saw Dalton getting his second term. It was a truly moving moment, especially since we found out the news through Russell Jackson, the man who almost gave his life to get Dalton elected.
But just when we thought that it is over, we saw Governor Sam Evans, Dalton’s rival, approach Elizabeth to tell her, that he is going to do everything he can to overturn Dalton’s win. Sam Evans really seems like a shady character and a sore loser, so it is no wonder that he will be trying to make people question Dalton’s win. And because of that, you could say that the second act of the presidential election story line has begun. I just hope that they won’t drag it out, like they did with this one.
Russell’s faith
Speaking of Russell, the last episode of Madam Secretary ended with Russell collapsing in his office and Stevie rushing to help. Fortunately, the show didn’t wait long to reveal what happened to Russell. We saw him pull through and recover, although we might be seeing a different Russell from here on out.
People say that after you have a near-death experience, you look at life differently and appreciate it more. And is seems, that the Madam Secretary writers will use this notion to shape Russell’s character in the future. So I am interested to see, what Russell we will be seeing when Madam Secretary comes back on January 8.
Family affairs in Madam Secretary season 3 episode 10
Lastly, we also have to briefly talk about the family affairs of this episode. If in the previous episodes of this season we saw Elizabeth’s side of the family, then now it was time to see more of Henry’s side.
Henry’s younger brother Shane came for a visit with his daughter Sarah, played by none other than Tim Daly’s real-life daughter Emelyn. And it was revealed that not only Sarah wants to enlist in the army, but also that Shane lost his job and is depressed. That worried Henry, because to him it seemed so much like what their father was like. So after much pondering Henry confronted Shane and they yelled it out. However, to me it seems, that this story line wasn’t really resolved, so we might be seeing more of it next episode.
Episode highlights:
• Stevie’s concern for Russell
• that Russell is alive
• Henry’s brother and niece coming for a visit
• Conrad showing Iran who’s the boss
• Elizabeth going to Juliet for help
• Elizabeth figuring out how to prevent war between Israel and Iran
• Conrad winning the election
Episode let-downs:
• Russell not resting even in the hospital
• Henry’s brother thinking that he is mad at him
• Sam Evans coming after Conrad and Elizabeth
Quote of the episode:
Elizabeth: “Let’s make a deal. We don’t let them leave the room until they agree to the framework.”
Conrad: “Are you prepared to put Prime Minister Aaronson in a headlock?”
Elizabeth: “Whatever it takes. I figured you have at least a head on Shiraz.”
Conrad: “What happened to being a knight?”
Elizabeth: “Knights lance their enemies like shish kebabs.”
Conrad: “Deal!”