This Heartland episode was the episode of new roles and milestones. There were shopping and barrel racing, classes and clinics and an engagement. It was a very interesting episode, so let’s get on with the review of Heartland season 10 episode 11.
Warning, spoilers ahead!
Prenatal partner
One of the main stories of Heartland episode 11 was Amy starting her prenatal classes. But, since Lou was stuck in New York and Ty is still in Mongolia, she had to find a new partner for the classes.
First she asked Cass, but when that fell though thanks to Cassandra’s own drama with Caleb, Amy decided to take her dad up on his offer to be Amy’s prenatal partner. And as you might have guessed, hilarity ensued.
We not only saw Tim asking a ton of questions and not being able to sit through a video of a birth, but we also got to see him wearing an empathy belly. It offered a great comic relief to the otherwise pretty drama-filled episode.
However, that was not the only thing these scenes did. They also showed how much Tim cares about his daughter and how involved he wants to be in her life. Possibly, because he didn’t get to experience this when Amy and Lou were born. It was heartwarming and seemed to bring Tim and Amy only closer.
Barrel racing clinic
The second big arc of the episode was Tim holding a barrel racing clinic in his rodeo school for Georgie, Jade, Sam and Olivia. But that wasn’t the biggest surprise of this story line. The surprise was that he let Casey run the clinic, since she is an experienced barrel racer.
Tim is notorious for having a strong opinion about everything and hardly ever letting others do his job. But this time around, Tim showed his other, more sensitive side. He showed how much he cares about Casey and how much he is willing to do for her, so she could remember how great it felt to barrel race. And he accomplished that, with a few hiccups along the way of course. Casey finally admitted that she still got it, and it looks like Tim’s rodeo school might just become a family business, since Casey expressed her wish to tech more barrel racing classes.
Meanwhile Jack was dealing with different type of out-of-my-element situation in Heartland season 10 episode 11. He had to take Katie back-to-school-shopping, after Lou announced that she won’t be back from New York in time to do it herself.
They went and got most of the things on Lou’s list, however Katie seemed upset over something, and it wasn’t the things they got. At first it seemed that she just misses her mom, but it was more than that. Jack put two and two together and deduced that Katie was scared to start first grade, especially since Lou might not be there to take her to school on her first day. So Jack promised to take Katie and to even sit behind her if she wanted him to.
It was an extremely sweet moment between Jack and his great-granddaughter. And also showed how close the Heartland family really is. They would do anything for each other, even if it made them uncomfortable or scared them. And that is what family is all about.
Small moments, big milestones
Besides these three main story lines, in Heartland season 10 episode 11 we also saw a couple of big milestones happening to some of the characters. Firstly, Cass and Caleb got engaged. Of course not after Cass thinking that Caleb is cheating on her and Amy spilling the beans about the proposal to Cass to get her to go with Caleb, but still it happened. And I have a feeling that this season we will be getting another wedding. Just this time Amy and Ty will take on new roles as the maid of honor and the best man to Cass and Caleb.
Secondly, we also saw Jade finally admitting that she has feelings for Clay. Jade and Clay has been the will-they-won’t-they relationship of this Heartland season, but it finally seems like they will. I just hope that the banter between them won’t stop even if they do start dating.
And thirdly, we saw Georgie struggling with PTSD that was brought on by the accident that happened in episode 9 and 10, and finally overcoming it by trusting in the horse, Morgan, and in herself. That type of accident would leave a mark on anybody, especially since Tim was hurt pretty badly. But Georgie felt it especially hard, because her parents were killed in a car accident as well. Luckily, she had Amy to confide in and to help her realize, that it is okay to be scared, but that it also doesn’t mean that she should give into these fears. So in the end Georgie let go and not only mastered barrel racing but also overcame her fear.
Last thoughts on Heartland season 10 episode 11
It seemed as though in this Heartland episode every character was taking on a brand new and previously unknown role to them. From Amy first time experiencing real motherhood in the prenatal class, to Tim stepping back and allowing Casey to run the clinic, to Jack helping Katie. It was very interesting to see the characters navigate their way through these new roles and prevail in them. That’s what life is, jumping head first into something unknown and learning to swim despite the unruly waters. It’s a great lesson to be reminded of, so Heartland, thanks for doing that!
Episode highlights:
• Jack and Katie riding together
• Amy and Tim in the prenatal class
• Jack and Katie’s back-to-school shopping ordeal
• Casey showing how it’s done in the clinic
• Clay standing up for his aunt
• Caleb admitting that he didn’t think he would marry someone again until Cass
• Cass and Caleb getting engaged
• Cass asking Amy to be her maid of honor
• Georgie not giving into her fear
• Jade admitting that she likes Clay
Episode let-downs:
• Cass thinking that Caleb in cheating on her, when he actually was about to propose
• Olivia being mean to Georgie
• Ty being in the episode only for a moment
Quote of the episode:
Cass: “Amy, I wanted to ask, would you be my maid of honor?”
Amy: “Are you sure? I’m going to be as big as a house by then.”
Cass: “I don’t care about any of that. Just say yes! It’d mean a lot.”
Amy: “Yeah, of course. I would love to!”
Good review but there’s 2 or 3 spelling errors.
Thanks, Valerie, will fix those asap.