Here we are once again at the end of another season of Canada’s longest-running family drama and what a finale it was. We had triumphs and hardships, wins and losses. But most of all, it was just another amazing episode of Heartland that gave us that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that many have come to associate with this show.
So, if you want to find out how Heartland season 14 concluded, then keep on reading this recap of Heartland season 14 episode 10.
As always, a spoiler warning is in effect, since there will be a lot of them.
Help horses, help kids
Once again Heartland delivered that quintessential Heartland episode. Especially when it came to Amy’s storyline. Because in this episode Amy seemed to get back to her roots and help not only a horse but also the people around her.
Early in the episode, we saw Cooper Huse visit Heartland and ask Amy for help. Back in episode 6 of this season, he bought the five wild horses that were kicked out from their herd for his horse therapy center. And, although Amy’s recommended trainer had done wonders with four of the wildies, there was one that wasn’t really responding to the trainer’s efforts. So, Cooper hoped that Amy had time to take a look at the horse.
At first, Amy was a bit reluctant to agree, still not quite sure about taking on a client hose. But eventually, she gave in and went to visit Cooper at his center. And she was impressed at what she saw. The center was shaping up nicely and with any luck, it would be open soon.
Amy also took a look at the troubled horse, quickly and appropriately naming him Challange, and determined that he wasn’t letting the trainer near him because he wants to protect his herd. And after a quick session with Challange in the round pen, she decided to work with the horse. In short shifts and more often meaning that she will be coming around more often. Which was great because Cooper and Amy seemed to get along great, even chatting about why Cooper decided to move back to the country and start the center and Amy sharing that her mom did something similar.

Sadly, that all got interrupted when Cooper got a call during which he found out that he didn’t get the grant money he was so counting on to get the center off the ground. So, Amy decided to see if she can help save Cooper’s center by calling her clients to see if maybe one of them would be willing to invest. Yet all of them thought that it was too big of a risk to invest in a new business. And after hearing that the grants fell through Cooper’s donor pulled out as well, so it looked like the center was finished before it even had a chance to begin.
But Amy still went to Cooper’s to work with Challange, figuring that at least she could help him with the horse. And Parker decided to tag along. But unbeknownst to Amy and Cooper, Parker had an ulterior motive to visit Cooper’s center.
It turned out Parker really wanted to help save the center, and since she was good at raising awareness for the causes she championed, she decided to do just that. Especially since the future of the five wildies Cooper bought was up in the air. It didn’t look like Cooper could afford to keep the horses without the center and Amy and Jack couldn’t really take them in either so they might have to be sold or worse.
So, Parker set up a stand outside the arena where a big jumping event was happening and told people about Cooper’s center. And although there was a lot of interest from people it didn’t quite go so well when one of the onlookers, Emma Fitzroy, approached Amy and Parker and they only found out that Emma was Cooper’s donor after Amy said that it was a shame that the donor backed out.
But in the end, it all worked out. Parker not only managed to raise some money for the center. But it looked like something Amy and Parker said stuck with Mrs. Fitzroy because at the end of the episode we saw Cooper thank Parker for her help and tell Parker and Amy that Emma changed her mind and gave an even more generous donation to Cooper and his center.
So, it looks like Cooper’s center was happening after all. And, if we’re lucky to get more seasons of Heartland, maybe we will see Amy continue working with Challange and helping around the center in other ways, too. That would be great to see since it would honor not only her mother’s memory but Ty’s as well. After all, Amy’s mother had a long history of helping troubled kids and that’s why Ty came to Heartland as well.
We got this
Although most of Amy’s attention was focused on helping Cooper with his center, in this episode we also saw her revive the jumping course Ty made for her in season 1.
The episode kicked off with Amy riding Shadow and ending up at the course. And since it has been neglected for a while, it wasn’t in the best shape. That paired with the painful memories of Ty associated with the course made Amy quickly turn around and ride away. And later in the episode, she admitted to Jack that she couldn’t even look at Ty’s old jumping course. But that somehow she also couldn’t get it out of her mind.

So, after figuring out that maybe the course is just another thing she needs to face to move on, Amy rode back there and decided that she would revive it. After all, as Ty said in the flashback we were treated to, when it comes to jumping, for Amy, it wasn’t about winning competitions, it was about the thrill of doing it.
Ty: “Well, so did you.”
Amy: “I know.”
Ty: “You know, it’s not about winning, Amy, not for you, and I know that. It’s always been about the thrill of it.”
So, the episode and the season ended with a flash-forward to six months in the future where the course was rebuild just how Ty made it and Amy was jumping Shadow on it. And with one last flashback from season 1 of Ty and Jack driving past the course meshed with a scene of Amy playing back memory in the present, we knew that although Ty was gone, Amy is going to be alright.
Life’s too short
Speaking of being alright, we have to talk about Tim and Jessica. Because, if you remember from the last episode, after Tim made a grand gesture for Jessica by building her a darkroom she got spooked and took off leaving Tim quite devastated.
At the start of this episode, we saw Tim visit the dude ranch in search of a place to stay since the pipes in his RV were frozen and he didn’t have any water. However, since the people from the company Lou and Mitch are renting their wedding reception tent from were coming that day to take measurements and figure out how to hook up the tent’s heating system to the cabins, Lou didn’t want Tim staying there. So, that left Tim to either bunk with Quinn at the loft. Or make Quinn sleep on the couch in the living room and have the loft all to himself. Yet, since the latter meant that Quinn would be just a staircase away from Georgie’s room, Tim decided to bunk with Quinn.
And so started Quinn and Tim’s roommate situation that didn’t actually last that long. Because apparently, Tim is a snorer. Which left Quinn with a few sleepless nights. And since Quinn and Georgie had an important show coming up, the night before the show when Quinn couldn’t sleep again he told Tim that he would go to the ranch house to sleep.
But Tim didn’t want that to happen, so he decided to go sleep at the dude ranch. And that night just so happened to also be the night when Jessica returned to Hudson from Salt Spring Island.
At first, Tim was not happy about being rudely awakened for the second time that night. But when he realized that it was Jessica who awoke him it kind of softened the blow. So, the two ended up talking by the fire.
They not only admitted that they missed each other. But Tim also finally had a chance to let Jessica know that he didn’t have anything against her fulfilling her plan of traveling to make amends and take photos. He just wanted to be with her while she was there in Hudson.
Jessica: “I missed you, too. I have to follow through, Tim. Otherwise, I’m gonna regret it.”
Tim: “Okay, so let me understand this. So you’ve flown back here just to tell me that you’re gonna leave again? If you wanna travel, then travel. I understand. You should travel. Just don’t travel tonight.”
And later, when the two were talking about Jessica’s travel plans, she suggested that if Tim wanted to get to know her better then he should tag along.
So, it looks like Tim might be going on an adventure of his own – traveling the world with Jessica for as long as she will have him. And since he has Caleb as his partner at the rodeo school and Jack surely can survive a few months on his own, Tim was free to take the leap.

I’m so excited about this because I think Jessica and Tim are pretty perfect for each other. And like Amy told Tim when she was urging him to reach out to Jessica, life is just too short to let Jessica drift away like all the other women that came and went from Tim’s life.
Fill the void
Sadly, one relationship didn’t survive the episode. And it was one that seemed to be the most solid all season. Here I’m talking about Lou and Mitch because although at the beginning of the episode we saw them going full steam ahead with their wedding plans since the big day was just a month away, by the end of it they decided to go their separate ways.
The episode began with the two reading their wedding RSVPs and discussing the tent they were getting for their reception. However, one RSVP seemed to put a damper on Lou’s good mood.
Upon opening the envelope Lou learned that Peter won’t be attending her and Mitch’s wedding. So, she called Peter from her office to find out what gives. And Peter told her that his office had mixed up the dates and booked a business trip the same week.
Lou, of course, understood why Peter couldn’t attend, but it didn’t stop her from losing sleep over thinking back to all the recent moments she has had with Peter. And the fact that she accidentally called Peter her husband not her ex-husband to Rick. And then Rick insinuating that Peter might be much more suited for Lou than Mitch, didn’t help either.
Lou: “Mitch is… busy.”
Rick: “Busy? Well, Peter, he took the time. Look at how he handled our evacuation. He was the picture of calm and stability.”
Lou: “He was amazing.”
Rick: “And most importantly, he brought out the best in you. I’m sorry, it’s just my opinion. I’m sure Mitch is a knight in shining cowboy chaps in his own right.”
On top of all that Mitch was also acting weird. Ever since their conversation about Mitch wanting kids of their own with Lou in the previous episode Lou has had a suspicion that him saying that it’s okay if Lou doesn’t want any more kids might not be true. And even if he reiterated it in this episode, seeing him hang out with Caleb and coo over Caleb’s son Carson told a different story.
And then Peter called Lou late in the evening to tell her that he lied about why he wasn’t coming to the wedding and that really threw Lou for a loop. Because it turned out that Peter didn’t have a business trip booked for the same dates. He didn’t want to attend the wedding because he still has feelings for Lou and he couldn’t bear sitting there and watching her marry somebody else.
Mitch also admitted to Lou that he actually wasn’t as okay with them not having kids as he said. And that he did want them to have a kid of their own. Which is when Lou realized that maybe they weren’t as meant for each other as she thought.
Lou: “I know. And it must have been terrible to lose him.”
Mitch: “Yeah, it was. And I have to admit that I’ve had a hard time feeling like I’ve been part of any family since then. Then I met you, and your incredible clan and you changed my world. But I gotta be honest, Lou, I’m trying to wrap my head around this. I just… I feel like there is a void inside me and I have to fill it. And I saw you today, cheering Georgie on with Katie, and I want that. I want us to have that with our own kid.”
Lou thought that by marrying Mitch she finally would have a chance to focus on her career not on start another family. But now that that wasn’t true anymore and Lou realized that she still has feelings for Peter, she really started to doubt her decision to marry Mitch.

So, the two decided to take a break. Leaving their future uncertain. Because although they didn’t exactly call off their wedding yet, it seemed to head in that direction. After all, Lou said that she wasn’t sure that she’s the person Mitch is looking for. And that Mitch shouldn’t be looking for Lou to fill the void inside him, he should do that on his own.
I know quite a few people will be happy to hear that Lou and Peter might be a possibility again. While the other half will want Lou and Mitch back together. Where do you stand on this divide? Let me know in the comments below!
For me, I liked Lou and Mitch together, and if they did end up married I wouldn’t be mad about it. But now that both Lou and Peter have admitted that they still have feelings for each other I think I’m going to go with Team Peter.
Concentrate on you
Last but definitely not least, Heartland season 14 episode 10 was a pretty big episode for Georgie as well because this was the episode when things were slowly aligning for her Olympic dreams one day becoming a reality.
At the onset of the episode, we saw Georgie training hard with Quinn for the upcoming show. And she was doing great, even with the distraction of Quinn talking to another jumper, Fiona. But when Quinn told her that there is going to be an observer from Equestrian Canada at the show, the same organization that decides who goes to the North American Yout Championship and therefore eventually the Olympics, it got Georgie nervous.

So much so, that she couldn’t really sleep because she was thinking of it so much. Luckily, with Tim being Quinn’s snoring roommate, he couldn’t sleep either. And seeing Gorgie’s light on he decided to go check on her. So, when Georgie admitted to Quinn that the observer coming to the show made her really worried, he assured his girlfriend that she has nothing to worry about.
That wasn’t the only thing on Georgie’s mind, though. She also didn’t like Fiona talking to Quinn, even if was just about him training her. However, when Georgie suggested that he should concentrate on her more, Quinn admitted that he can’t concentrate on anything else but Georgie. That and Quinn saying that the most important thing is to be together seemed to still Georgie’s anxiety about the horse show and her relationship with Quinn.
But before the moment could get any more heated the two heard the floorboards creaking. And thinking that it might be Jack coming to check on what Quinn was doing in Georgie’s room the two decided to table that moment for another time and place.
Quinn: “That’s a good point. I better go.”
The day of the competition came. And although the observer potentially being there still made Georgie tense, Quinn and her whole family were there to support her. So she ended up nailing the course. And by the looks of it also impressing the observer. Because after her turn the observer from Equestrian Canada, Phillip Dawson, approached her and handed her his card telling her to call him.
Right from the start when Georgie’s dreams of going to the Olympics first materialized I have been so excited to see her journey. And moments like these only affirmed my wish to see more seasons of Heartland so we can see Georgie continue to shine. And, since Georgie and Quinn decided to stay in Hudson for a while, if there is a next season I hope we will see more of the two of them as well.
Last thoughts on Heartland season 14 episode 10
Despite all the heartbreak we experienced this season over losing Ty, I think this has been one of my absolute favorite seasons of Heartland so far. In a lot of ways, it felt like it kickstarted a new era for the show. Many of the storylines felt fresh and new and also quite unexpected. So, I really, really hope that we will get a season 15. Because I would love to see how these characters develop as more time passes.
READ NEXT: Heartland season 15 episode 1 review
What did you think of the episode and the season as a whole? And how badly do you want Heartland season 15? Sound off in the comments below! And as always, keep an eye on this blog and our social media since I will be posting an update on the future of Heartland as soon as there is any news.
But until then, stay safe, and thanks for reading!
First off, I am not happy to see Ty die. It really brought sadness to think his little girl will not have her dad as she grows up. Secondly, I’m favor of Lou breaking up with Mitch. I don’t care for this character. If Lou and Peter can be committed to each other, then I am in favor of their coupling. Finally, I hope they keep Parker and that boy Ty and Amy fostered. He can back to visit.
While I liked Mitch’s character, ultimately he and Peter are the same person (both absorbed with their own work). Neither of them were there when they should have been in their relationship to Lou. When Lou needed Peter and they were together he wasn’t there. And when Lou and Mitch were together and she needed his physical presence and support, he wasn’t there. I think she needs to really be on her own for a longer while and work on herself…same as she said Mitch needed to do. Her character just doesn’t want to be alone. And she and Peter never completely broke up. They have a weird divorcee relationship. Trying to be perfect co-parents and that has made them to involved with each other. I don’t want them arguing but their relationship is not real. But Mitch needs to find someone who can give him kids and can support his dreams fully. Lou and Peter need to decide what they want. If it’s a long distance relationship and they can handle that then be that. Forgiveness is good. But don’t be fooled. If they need to be together someone is going to have move.
Is actor who plays Peter ill? Looked very ill, much older & “bad mustache” look during their facetime call. Hope gentleman isn’t ill. Looking forward to Season 15!
The actor who plays Peter, Gabriel Hogan, is on another show called Tacoma FD where his character has a mustache that’s why it’s there.
I’m with team Peter. He has been there more than Mitch and has been jerked around emotionally by selfish Lou and yet keeps coming back to help her. I like the actor who plays Mitch but just don’t think he’s right for Lou. I wish she would grow up and not be so self centered. Also this is shown on Up Faith and family so why did it show Lou and Mitch in bed together?
I was shocked when Ty died, but think it was handled very well throughout the season. This season was definitely better than expected but the Peter love triangle drama annoys me greatly.
When Lou couldnt give her assistant, Rick, a reason they broke up – he wasnt giving her or their family the time, he lied, he cheated, hes selfish and self absorbed. And now they are painting him as this great father and supporter, which is okay but dont paint that as a reason to forget why they broke up and have them get back together.
Instead they are trying to make it out that her and Mitch are incompatiable because of the kids situation – which is a fair reason but again, not a reason for Lou and Peter to get back together. Hes only being this role model father and support figure because he has an alteripr motive of getting back with Lou and not for genuine purposes. Is Peter going to move to Hudson, no. Is Lou going to move the family to Calgary? No, she just told Mitch she wants to focus on her career as mayor.
And this break up when theyve built the season around Mitch not bonding with her kids and then they do and break up .
Im sick of the Peter love story possibility, they are better divorced and Heartland is better than to stir old dramas for new viewings. I would much rather see Lou reconsider kids and demonstrate a strong womans ability to be successful and raise a family rather than the same story of it being one or the other. Lou is always so focused on one thing or another, she never has balance and it would be good to see her find balance in new beginnings rather than gross patterns in old people and behaviours.
I love the love story between Tim and Jessica, its about time he gets a shot at happiness, growth and love.
Really missed Ty this season. I feel the producers did a wonderful job of memorializing him with each character & flashbacks. The writing this season was spectacular, even if a lot of it was sad.
I’m glad Mitch is out of the picture w Lou; never liked them together. Glad to see Peter re-emerging with Lou. They have handled things well together & perhaps that will improve their love relationship.
Would be interesting/ nice to see Cooper and Amy get to know each other better & perhaps begin dating.
Happy for Tim – let’s please give him a successful relationship where he can settle down. His rounds of failing relationships has gotten really old.
I’ve never been a fan of Georgie’s character- she’s been too spoiled & disrespectful of her parents.
Loved what they did with Jack & Lisa this season.
Would love to see more seasons of Heartland if the cast & crew are up for it. One of my all-time favorite shows!
Just watched series 10 in two days and feel let down that it finished how it did with everything up in the air…all the relationships just hanging. Please let’s have more of lovely Caleb…in my opinion he is perfect for Amy.
I absolutely love this series. I thought I wouldn’t watch with Ty leaving but I do think this season has been better than the last couple. I am so disappointed that they only make 10 episodes instead of the 18 they used to make. I would like to see more of the story about Amy and what she does with the horses. It would be great maybe if she started partnering with Cooper to train the horses at his Ranch while working with the kids. I don’t think Parker was annoying in episode 10 however her character could be toned down a bit. Tim needs to build his own house on the property and stop being such a dependent person. Maybe we need to make Lou a real Mayor and have her deal with real issues with the town. I do miss Peter but his character needs to be made stronger. Maybe have him open a business in the city and move back. I never thought the Mitch character was real. He is a nice guy but there didn’t seem to be chemistry there.
I wish Mitch would find someone better because Lou just strings every guy and relationship along. I honestly don’t want to see a repeat of the Lou and Peter saga. They get along better divorced than they did when they were married. I am thankful that season 14 hasn’t been all about Georgie crying in every episode either. I wasn’t as upset about Ty being gone because I know this will allow different storyline directions. It’s also what happens in life, we lose the people we love. It’s more relatable and real. I’m ready to see Jade find a guy that’s good to her. Even Tim deserves a good relationship too. I was saddened to see that Cass nor Scott made an appearance this season.
I like Peter instead of Mitch, i hope both learnt their lesson and make it better this time.
And what happened with Tim’s son?
I joined Apple TV & UpTV to view season 14. I watched 1 thru 9 in 2 days. 10 was not in the series! Why not? Where can I view 10?
A new episode airs on UP Faith & Family every Thursday so you probably just have to wait until episode 10 comes out next week.
I thought I would be devastated with Ty gone, but although it was tragic and sad, I felt that it’s all going to be okay for Amy. The passage of time to start a year after his death was a good strategy…it really leaves us viewing the final stages of that year of “firsts,” and we can hope for Amy to move forward. I loved Amy and Ty, but the last time they broke up before getting married, he seemed so cold toward her. There was always a part of me that felt Amy got a bit shafted in that, and I wished it had been written a little differently. Nevertheless, he was a good husband to her. There is something interesting in her starting over though…Ty’s character development over fourteen years took a lot out of Amy. It would be nice to see an easier go for her in the future. Hopefully, her next love interest won’t have quite so many demons to put to rest. That all said, I cried along with her at times.
I watched 14 seasons in 3 weeks. I couldn’t stop watching.
Ty gone doesn’t make it as good to me but I will still try to watch. I don’t see it lasting that much longer though.
I wish Mitch would get with Lou. Peter is weak and the back and forth between him and Lou is overdone.
Parker is annoying, moreso than Mallory.
Tim’s love life is getting old.
I love Georgie and Quinn together.
I can never ever get sick of Jack!!! I love his character so much.
Is there another season coming up in October 2021. Want to see what happens to the rest of the family. Was to good to end. A very good episode.
There is, indeed, another season coming. Season 15 of Heartland premieres on CBC on October 17th.