The wait is over, Heartland fans because I can finally confirm that Heartland has been renewed for season 12. That’s right, Heartland season 12 is happening and CBC is giving another 11 episodes to Canada’s longest-running family drama. It will no doubt be a season of family, horses and coming together to celebrate this beautiful family-friendly show. Ain’t that a great way to ring in the weekend?
The announcement
If last year the announcement that Heartland has been picked up for another season was delivered by the show’s star Amber Marshall. Then this year the honor went to the Blog Whisperer. Who just put up the weekly Thursday blog, announcing the amazing news of Heartland getting a 12th season! You can read the full announcement in the picture below or by going to cbc.ca/heartland/blog!
What do we know about Heartland season 12?
So what do we know about Heartland season 12 so far? Well, to be frank, not much. Because the news that season 12 is happening broke just today. But we can tell you that Heartland season 12 will have 11 episodes. And that instead of premiering in late September or early October, Heartland season 12 will launch on January 6, 2019.
On top of that, we do know that all the lead actors will be back for Heartland season 12. Which includes Amber Marshall, Graham Wardle, Shaun Johnston, Chris Potter, Michelle Morgan, Alisha Newton and many more. And finally, we also know that the twelfth season of Heartland will go into production in about a month. Meaning that in a month we will start getting pictures from the set. As well as little more information on the upcoming season.
What do I want to see happen in the 12th season of Heartland?
Meanwhile, we can only talk about what we would like to see happen in Heartland season 12. And boy, there is a lot! For starters, I would love to see more of Ty and Lou, because this past season both characters were away quite a bit. I would also love to see more of Amy and Ty as parents and experiencing big moments like Lyndy’s first word and first step. Because those would definitely make for adorable scenes.
When it comes to Georgie, I would like to see her go further in her showjumping carrier. Because now that she won the Fall Finale in the last episode of season 11, she has definitely proven that she is a capable competitor. Additionally, I would love it if they did a bit lighter storylines for Tim next season. Because this past season Tim had a lot of hard and heavy scenes.
RELATED: Heartland Season 12 Episode 1 Review
For Lou, I think it would be really interesting to actually see what she has been up to in New York since we don’t get to see the commanding business-woman side of Lou that often. And as for Jack and Lisa… Since season 11 saw Lisa finally becoming a full-fledged member of the Heartland family. Her own fireplace stone and all. It would be great if in season 12 they would show Lisa really adjusting to her life at the Heartland ranch. And all the amazing storylines that could come out of it for her and Jack.
Now it’s your turn! Comment below and let me know how excited you are for Heartland season 12. And what do you want to see happen in it? Let’s celebrate the fact that Heartland is returning for season 12 in the comments!
Amy Ty and Lyndy with them working on their own ranch on the land that Jack gave them
Amy and Ty having another Baby
Lisa and Jack settling into a married Life
with Lou gone a lot in New York
I agree on seeing more of Ty, Amy and Lyndy together since in 10 and 11 has him gone a lot and we all waited so long to see them together for good. Haven’t seen 11 so don’t know much about Lou since I haven’t seen all of Lou but it’s not the same without her around.
How about something really challenging in try and Amy’s relationship. Building their own home after all
Love this show and all who are in it. It brings sunshine in my life as I feel I know and love each one. Thanks to each for your part in this great show.
Still want to see Lou and Scott get back together.
Georgie has won the Fall Finale. What’s next? If she would like to take take show jumping further, she needs a different coach. Amy has been relegated to the background as her coach and that is hard to see. I would prefer to see less of Georgie and more of the Family Borden. Amy returns to helping troubled horses. I’d like to see more of Ty being a vet, including vet calls and surgery. I’d like to see Tim marry Casey and Lisa rebuild her business with Amy’s help. And lots more Lyndy!! Expand the barn and loft for more room.
Me too all the above
I would love to see Lou find a love that is actually a good match for her, and would keep her at the ranch. She needs to be around for her kids.
Because Amy is the star, she should be in it more, with Ty and Lyndy. I’d love Georgie and Amy team up more on the ranch life. I don’t care much for her love life. She.s so young. Let her be a Kid.
Lisa and Jack, well they are the head of the family, I enjoy the banter between Jack and Tim. I’d like Tim to marry.
More babys another for ty n amy 1 for cas n calab and maybe 1 for lou from a q night stand with either mitch or scott n then them decide to give ut another go have ty n lou home more often have jatie back more also n have gorgie continue show jumping
Love to see more of TY AMY and Lindy Jack and less smart words of Tim about TY.Just want to see all of them.Also less of Georgie.
Love Heartland! I would appreciate less of the teenage drama, less of Georgie and definately more lighthearted situations. My favs are the hudson derby, the jamboree, mallory’s endless babbling, a Heartland christmas. To be honest, I have lost innterest in the endless parade of kids and teenagers. I know the show must evolve and appeal to all age groups. You guys will make it rock! Congrats!
I am so excited for season 12 of Heartland. I can hardly wait
I would love to see Amy and Ty finally working together. To build the new house that they agreed on in season 11, and to be parents to a toddler who is giving her parents a run for their money.