Rumors have been swirling for a while now that Heartland might be coming back for season 15, but nothing has been official. Until now that is because Heartland has been officially renewed for season 15.
That’s right, the longest-running one-hour scripted drama in Canadian television history will continue its record-breaking run because Heartland will be back for season 15. And sooner than you think, too.
Keep reading for more on the season 15 renewal announcement and what we know about the new season so far!
The Heartland season 15 announcement
The announcement that Heartland will return for season 15 was made by Heartland’s own Amy Amber Marshall who announced the season 15 renewal to Heartland fans via a video posted to Heartland’s official social media channels.
In the video Amber let us know that Heartland will, in fact, be back for season 15. As well as expressed her excitement for the stories that the new season will bring:
Hey, guys! Amber Marshall here and, of course, my friend Phoenix, with some very exciting news. Now, I think many of you have been anticipating this so I’m just going to say it. Season 15 of Heartland is a go! And we couldn’t be happier. I want to thank all of you for being so supportive over this last year of uncertainties and I can’t wait for you to see the stories we have to come. Take care, everyone, and stay safe!
Heartland season 15 premiere date
In addition to announcing that the show will be back for another season, CBC also announced the premiere date for season 15.
So, without further ado, Heartland season 15 will premiere on Sunday, October 17th. Which means that we’re literally months away from seeing an all-new season of Heartland.
Usually, premiere dates aren’t announced this early. But we’re in luck because CBC decided to treat us with not only a renewal but also a premiere date announcement.
What’s more, this year we also won’t have to wait until winter for the new season like it was for season 14. Which is great, because many of you who’ve watched the show from the start are used to the new season airing in the fall rather than winter. And this year, Heartland will be back to that schedule, airing on Sunday nights at 7 pm.
How many episodes will Heartland season 15 have?
Although Heartland used to have 18 episodes each season (except the first one that had 13 episodes), the last several years, Heartland seasons have been shorter. Season 12 had 11 episodes, with seasons 13 and 14 being 10 episodes long.
Well, it looks like that trend will be continuing in season 15 as well. Because according to CBC’s official press release, Heartland season 15 will have 10 episodes.
That’s 10 hour-long episodes of everyone’s favorite horse TV show for us to enjoy.
What’s more, the first episode of season 15 will be the 225th episode of the series. So, we can probably expect it to be a pretty great episode because it’s not often a TV show hits this type of milestone.
What will Heartland season 15 be about?
Heartland’s official page on CBC’s media center website also provided some insight into what we can expect to see on Heartland season 15.
The official synopsis for season 15 reads:
The Bartlett-Fleming family has learned a hard lesson: life is short and you have to live each day to the fullest. In season 15 of HEARTLAND, they will put what they learned into practice. Last season, Amy said goodbye to the past. This season, she embraces the future – raising her daughter, working with the horses who continue to heal her, branching out into a new phase of her life and profession. She is moving forward and feels determined to leave a legacy. In fact, Jack, Lisa, Lou, and Tim have all decided that now is not the time to pull back, but to ramp up, to create new dreams and fulfill old ones. And, as they always do, the family will pull together to help each other… and will ultimately end up stronger than ever.
So, it looks like season 15 of Heartland will be all about new adventures and new endeavors. And the Bartlett-Fleming clan will be taking on new challenges and doing everything they can to make their dreams come true.
Heartland season 15 filming schedule
And thanks Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) Alberta website we even have start and end dates for the filming of season 15.
According to ACTRA’s “What’s Shooting in Alberta” list, Heartland season 15 began production on Moday, June 7th, and will wrap the filming of the upcoming season on Tuesday, September 21st.
You may have already heard the news: Production on Heartland Season 15 started yesterday, so stay tuned for updates as we go. Here’s a brand new photo from behind the scenes of the new season. #iloveheartland #HLinProd pic.twitter.com/xxLyfuDnpS
— Heartland (@HeartlandOnCBC) June 8, 2021
This means that all throughout the summer we can look forward to on-set updates and behind-the-scenes tidbits from the Heartland cast and crew. So, be sure to follow the official Heartland Twitter account because that’s usually the first place all the latest updates are posted to.
Are you excited that Heartland will be back for season 15? And what do you want to see happen in the new season? Sound off in the comments below and see you soon with more content on all your favorite shows!
I tell my Grand children that this is the greatest show on earth, and I’ve seen them starting to enjoy it even my 7 year old. I just finished season 14 last night Dec 21st. and wondering where I can get season 15 I live in Arizona, anyone know ?
Officially, you have to wait until it comes out on UP Faith & Family which is the network that usually has the new season first. Unofficially, you can try getting a VPN and streaming it on CBC Gem.
I think Lou and Peter should get back together. I like the chemistry between them and Peter is smart he can help Lou with the Major position she have. Mitch need to find someone more like him. They need to bring the company Peter work for back to Hudson or merge with another company there. I would love to see Lou bring in more business to Hudson. I still prefer Georgia with Wyatt the manager at Maggie her son. Quinn is nice but I don’t like them together.
Didn’t want to watch season 14 without Ty but since Heartland is my favorite TV show I gave it a try and it was beautifully written. Cried so many times like a member of my family was gone. Heartland is a magical place with characters so rich and caring. I like all the story lines and the direction they are going. Jack should give some classes as the “miracle man” to show men & teen boys how to be good men. He is the heart of the show. So were Ty & Amy. I go to reruns of this show when I am feeling sad to cheer me up. Thank you Heartland cast & crew for a wonderful job. So happy about season 15!
I would like to see Lou and Peter together, they are my favourite couple.
I have loved every minute of Heartland, Ty or Graham I feel like needs to stay gone to show how Amy can be strong as a single mother. Amy needs to work with Cooper and maybe he will just be friends who knows? I feel like Cooper would help Amy deal with Ty’s death and could even make a company with Amy. She could work there as a trainer and help save horses and kids, since Ty was a troubled kid and that he was very good to Amy. The show has shown me that how good actors are, because Amber/Amy shows how deeply she has missed Ty/Graham. That show has helped me a lot with my own life. Messages are shown but only to true fans. Jack/Shaun has been such rock to Amy and showed me that a Grandpa’s love will help a lot to Amy. He has spoken words so deep that it was taken by heart. Lou and Peter was always endgame along with Jack and Lisa and even that famous Amy and Ty. Peter and Lou need to work out their feeling with one another but needs to be quiet about it. After Ty’s death I don’t think the kids Lyndy, Katie and Georgie could handle the fact that their mother/aunt would be getting back together with the father/uncle which is Peter. I hope that Season 15 will help show Tim’s grief and pain about Ty’s death and maybe him and Amy hashing it out. After Ty’s passing he pushed away and was always there to push her. He never stopped, Amy maybe would push back. She lost her husband therefore needed time to deal with it.
Carley, With all due respect, I, and I suspect most fans, have comparatively no interest at all in seeing how “Amber can be strong as a single mother.” There’s already plenty of that in the day-to-day lives of all the Heartland family and friends. The heart of this show and the single most important reason for its success is the relationships between and among the people we have grown to care about. And the relationship between Amy and Ty was the most important relationship. Thus, that relationship was the single—not only, but single–most important factor viewers cherished. I want Ty back though I don’t think that will happen. But with his absence, there is a huge vacuum in Heartland. While I am still deliberating as to whether or not I’ll watch season 15, if I do, it will hold a LOT less interest to me without the best relationship I’ve seen on television in a long time.
Lou and Peter need to be back together again!!!!!!
I want Lou and Mitch to get married they’ve always been my favorite couple other than Georgie and Quinn, also I would love for Georgie and Quinn to get engaged. I really miss ty but I think Amy and cooper might be a possibility someday.
I love heartland first of all. I’ve seen every season and episode they’ve made. But without ty, it doesn’t draw me as it did. Can’t yall bring ty back as of he was in protective custody from some major criminals that his step-dad was deep in debt with? That they threatened heartland family, mainly Amy and lindy if he didn’t settle his step-dads debt somehow,seeing as he was in with a family who they thought had money? So tys death was faked, but they finally caught the criminals, leading to ty going home? Makes more since to keep him alive on the show. I imagine alot of fans agree
Kayla, you have a pretty good story line for bringing Ty back…onlyProblem…Graham Wardle is on his own Newajenda and doesn’t want to come back to Heartland.
Fans like you make it sound as tho poor Graham was killed off. NOT!!
73 grama
I want Ty to come back. I don’t want to watch without the Borden family together. Last season was way too sad and the stories were disjointed.
I would enjoy seeing Amy doing more liberty work and saving horses, maybe she could rekindle the miracle girl! Would like to see her gain the respect for what she accomplishes with horses and maybe an odd critter or two. Maybe Lou and Peter back together? Tim find someone to settle down with ? Maybe after Georgie makes it big, she could come back and work with Amy on business together. Jack and Lisa of course!!!
So like Lou and Peter together. Mitch and Lou seemed so unnatural.
Why you go back to 18 .And I want to hear Amber to sing on the show,she hasn’t sang for a long time
Yeah, hearing Amber sing in season 15 would be delightful.
Lets get TY back do not want to see Amy and Lindy with anyone else. Congrats on season 15
Sadly, I doubt that that will ever happen