Another Sunday brought us another episode of Heartland. One that featured wild horses, newspaper ads and a college open house. Want to know more about what transpired during Heartland season 13 episode 2? Then keep on reading this recap of the episode!
Warning, spoilers ahead!
Trust your gut
Despite a rough start, Amy and Ty weren’t giving up on their dream home. But to do that they needed money. So, this episode saw the two of them get an unexpected offer that they just couldn’t refuse. After all the bills for building their new house were getting higher and higher. Yet business was extremely slow.
At the start of the episode, Jack and Tim met Sam Langston, the new owner of Big River Ranch. And Sam had an interesting proposal for the two. After seeing the wild horses that they brought to Heartland in the season 12 finale Sam asked Jack and Tim if they weren’t interested in startling and then selling him one of the wild colts. And, although both Amy and Jack felt like they were betraying Will by even considering Sam’s offer, Amy and Ty needed the money, so they eventually took Sam up on his offer.
However, the startling process of the wildies didn’t quite go as hoped. Especially since Sam had his eye on a colt that Amy knew did not want to be gentled. And no matter how much she tried and how much money and new business Sam was promising her for the wild horse, in the end, Amy realized that she had to listen to her gut and let the colt stay wild.
So, although that sadly meant that Ty and Amy’s money problems were not over, at least they were learning to listen to each other. And with the money they got from selling Ty’s old motorcycle they will also be able to continue building their home. At least for now.
The newspaper star
Speaking of Jack and Tim, these two also had an interesting storyline this episode.
In season 11 episode 17, we saw Jack, Tim, and Mitch partner with Garland Foods. And ever since then that partnership has been going well. Really well, in fact. So much so that Garland Foods even did a photoshoot of the trio for ads to place in the local papers. Yet, when Lisa opened the paper and saw the actual advertisement, it wasn’t quite what they had expected.
Instead of featuring Jack, Tim and Mitch the ad only showcased Jack. And when Tim saw that he quickly made sure to get the bottom of that decision. So, he drove to Calgary and asked the man himself, Fred Garland, about why Jack was the only one featured in the ad even though all three of them co-owned the cattle business.
The answer was simple. Garland Foods decided to only feature Jack in the ad because the pictures of Jack on his horse tested better in a focus group. Which, of course, didn’t sit well with Tim. So, he asked Fred to forward him the full focus group report. And by doing so Tim definitely got more than he bargained for.
From the report, he not only found out that people think of Jack as wise and iconic. And of Mitch as someone who looks like a model dressed as a cowboy. But also, that people don’t think that Tim has a trustworthy face.
Luckily, Jack was quick to reassure Tim that even if strangers think that what’s important is that his family knows that they can rely on Tim. But I have to wonder if this won’t be another one of these things that will lead to Tim changing some things in his life.
Friends again
For Georgie Heartland season 13 episode 2 was all about looking to the future. Even if she had to confront her past to do so.
At the beginning portion of the episode, we saw Peter surprising Georgie at her loft and announcing that tomorrow they are going to a university open house so Georgie could look at a potential school. After all both Peter and Lou were worried that Georgie was dragging her feet when it comes to picking a college to go to in the fall. Yet, the open house quickly became tense since Georgie and Peter met Wyatt, Jen, and Adam there.
It turns out Georgie and Wyatt hadn’t spoken since their confrontation at Maggie’s at the end of season 12 because Wyatt never called her. And since Peter and Jen decided to let the teens wander around by themselves, it was more than awkward between the two.
Both Georgie and Wyatt bragged that they had moved on. And even Adam’s best efforts to dissipate the tension between Georgie and Wyatt didn’t bear any fruits. So, by the time they got to the climbing wall that Wyatt suggested they try Adam had had enough.
He told Wyatt and Georgie that they were being ridiculous. And that both of them should stop acting like idiots and just be friends. And luckily Adam’s fear of heights-induced freak-out finally got through to the exes. They ended up calling a truce, deciding to try to actually be friends again, and even possibly going on a road trip with Adam after graduation. Since Georgie decided that after graduation she’s going to take a break from showjumping and just enjoy the summer with her friends. Now all that is left for Georgie to do is to tell Lou her plan.
Sleeping arrangements
And then there was the storyline of Luke adjusting to his life at Heartland and his new sleeping arrangements.
As we saw in the previous episode, Amy, Ty, Lyndy, and Luke moved back into the ranch house while Georgie took over their loft. Which meant that Luke now had his own room, Georgie’s old bedroom. However, it quickly became clear that Luke did not like to sleep in that room. This resulted in him making the floor space next to Amy and Ty’s bed his new bedroom.
That combined with Luke’s mom canceling yet another visit meant that Luke was more sensitive than usual. And although Ty was able to help Luke work through his feelings about his mom, it was left up to Amy to sort out Luke’s sleeping arrangements as Ty got a vet call just before bedtime.
Amy’s first attempt at talking to Luke about why he didn’t want to sleep in his room didn’t quite go so well. Probably partly due to the fact that Amy thought that Ty was much better when it comes to knowing just what to say to Luke. However, her second attempt at soothing Luke’s anxiety about sleeping by himself went much better.
Luke admitted to Amy that he misses his mom and that he has never had his own room before which means that he’s not used to sleeping alone. So, Amy found a way for Luke to be able to sleep in his own bed but not to be alone. She brought their dog Remi to keep Luke company. And as a result, she not only helped Luke. But also proved to herself that she wasn’t so bad with Luke.
Last thoughts on Heartland season 13 episode 2
Finally, how about that surprise of Peter and Jen being in a relationship? I mean, I kind of had a feeling that it was coming ever since season 12 episode 8 when Peter admitted to Lou that he and Jed had been hanging out. But I’m glad that they actually decided to go with this storyline. And that Georgie was fine with Peter moving on after she found out about Jen and him.
Now we only have to wait and see how Lou will react to the news when Peter tells her. However, since it sounds like Lou and Mitch are still going strong hopefully Lou will be as understanding as Georgie was.
READ NEXT: Heartland Season 13 Episode 3 Review
And lastly, I loved Amy’s little surprise for Ty at the end of the episode. She built a tent next to the foundation of their new home. Which somewhat resembled the scene from the season 9 finale when Amy told Ty that she’s pregnant. Only this time around it was to reassure Ty that no matter what hardships come their way they will weather them together. And to promise that sooner or later they will get to their dream house and the life they have envisioned for themselves in it. A beautiful ending to another amazing episode of Heartland.
Quotes of the episode
Georgie: “I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Peter: “No, no you don’t. Tomorrow you will be a prospective university student and I will be your loving helicopter parent. It’s going to be great!”
Tim: “You know, I’m not buying that you’re not enjoying this a little.”
Jack: “Well, if you’re referring to the fact that my picture’s in the paper, total strangers describe me as wise, intelligent, iconic, not to mention drop-dead handsome, then no, I’m not enjoying it at all.”
Promo for Heartland season 13 episode 3
And here is the preview of the next episode, Heartland season 13 episode 3:
I have been googling, but can’t find who the actor is playing the Sam Langston charactor.
I believe Sam Langston was played by Shawn Roberts.
I am enjoying the Heartland shows and my daughter that is now 3 years old she is also liking them. It makes me feel like I am apart of their family as well. I have gotten close to them all thank you so much for allowing my family to be able to enjoy watching them with you.
So very glad to hear that.
Where can I watch season 12? I am in Texas, and can’t find it anywhere.
You can stream it on UP Faith & Family. And season 12 is also premiering on upTV on October 2nd.
So happy I can watch Heartland. New season on the up channel. Looking forward to the first eposide on Wed. Oct 2. ILOVE LOVE LOVE Heartland there is not one eposide that I dislike. I love all the charcters they are family to me. THANKS FOR GIVEING US SUCH A CLEAN FAMILY SHOW TO WATCH…..
I love this series! It is refreshing to watch something that isn’t the drug filled, “shoot um up” shows that are so prevalent today. I like the the characters, the scenery, the plots and the beautiful horses. I appreciate the gentle approach to taming horses. Thank you for this nice diversion from violence.
Beautiful episode. Love it. More Amy and Ty.
This is just awesome I loved every bit of it & next episode is going to be amazing I’m sure I just love heartland
Yes, next episode really does look like it will be amazing. As was this one.
I’m glad for a series like Heartland as the last series I was interested in was Xena, Hercules, and Doctor Quinn. This is the first Canadian series I’ve been so attached to plus I met four of the cast in Penticton at meet and greets!