The premiere of Heartland season 14 is finally here and what an episode it was!
It’s safe to say that it was an emotional gut punch to all of us. Yet, I think that the way this episode was handled was real and beautiful. And I hope that it’s an indicator of an amazing new chapter of Heartland.
Want to know what exactly happened in this episode? Then keep on reading this Heartland season 14 episode 1 recap!
Warning, SPOILERS AHEAD so read at your own discretion!
We lost him
Losing someone is never easy. But losing someone suddenly and unexpectedly is even harder. Yet, that’s what Amy and the rest of the family were dealing with during Heartland season 14 episode 1.
The episode began right where season 13 left off with Amy working with the colt that she was trying to halter-break at the end of last season and eventually succeeding in joining him up with the little help of Spartan. But just as she was walking towards the house after asking Ty to put Spartan back in his pen, Ty collapsed.
Jack and Amy rushed towards Ty but unfortunately, he was gone. The doctors explained to Amy that after his surgery Ty had developed something called a deep vein thrombosis and that there wasn’t anything they could do. Ty had passed.
We then jump a year ahead and find Amy still reeling from the loss of her husband. Riding out to their half-built house every day and not working with clients anymore. Which had Jack and Tim worried.
And rightfully so! They were’s sure that Amy is dealing with the loss of Ty well or, really, at all, since she hadn’t even decided what to do with the house they were building in the year that has passed since Ty’s death.
Tim, of course, in his usual fashion asked Amy about it constantly, pressuring her to make a decision about the house and asking when she will start working with client horses again. But, luckily, Jack has a gentler touch than Tim and had something else in mind that might help Amy.
He invited Amy for a stay at his old fishing cabin to hopefully help her deal with Ty’s loss and decide whether to go through the memorial she had planned for Ty that weekend or not.
Moving forward
After some encouragement from Lisa, Amy decided to take Jack up on his offer, and the duo headed to Jack’s fishing cabin. And while the place still reminded Amy of Ty, especially of the time a snowstorm stranded them there in season 2 episode 18, it also finally allowed Amy to deal with her feelings of losing Ty.
Because while up at the cabin Jack and Amy had a much-needed heart-to-heart about losing the people they love.
And Amy admitted that she thinks that it’s her fault that Ty’s not with them anymore since the morning Ty died he had said that he feels weird yet Amy didn’t push him to go back to the hospital.
Luckily, Jack was there to comfort her and to tell her that it wasn’t her fault. In fact, it was because of Ty that Amy was alive and was able to be a mom to Lyndy. So, it felt like Amy was finally opening up and talking about what she felt.
The next morning they found a herd of wild horses that was trapped by fallen trees. And while working to free the wildies Amy broke down and seemingly let herself feel the loss of Ty.
It was an incredibly sad yet also very cathartic and healing moment for Amy after which she pulled herself together and they freed the horses. And unbeknownst to them among the herd was also Casper, Ghost’s son, with his own little family. It helped Amy realize that life goes on and helped her have the strength she needed to decide to have the one-year memorial for Ty.
In the end, Amy, Lyndy, Jack, Lisa, Tim, Lou, Katie, Georgie, and Caleb rode out to the hill overlooking Heartland, shared memories of Ty, and scattered his ashes in the wind. Hopefully, marking a new beginning for all of them. One that feels like they are moving forward, not backward.
Going for it
Since it’s been a year since the events of last season, in Heartland season 14 episode 1 we saw Georgie returning home after being away at college. She and Quinn are still going strong. And although she’s still training, she’s not competing anymore.
Quinn even offered to be her coach, however, Georgie declined her offer saying that she doesn’t want to mix her professional life with her personal one. Besides, he’s coaching another girl, Fiona Mackintosh.
Georgie’s family was surprised to hear that she’s not competing anymore. So Amy encouraged her to enter the horse show that’s coming up that weekend, hopefully pushing her to start competing again. And it worked, Georgie decided that she did want to compete in the upcoming show. However, it didn’t go so well.
Despite being confident at the start of her run, during it, Georgie thought she saw Ty walking past the arena so she lost focus and didn’t even complete her run.
You would expect that that spooked Georgie even more and made her stop competing again. However, it actually had the opposite effect, it made her want to work harder. So, after Ty’s memorial, she asked Quinn to be her trainer. And when he asked if Georgie’s sure, she answered affirmatively.
Quinn: “What about our relationship?”
Georgie: “I’m sure it will survive. Besides, you got to be the one to take me to the Olympics.”
So it looks like Georgie’s dream of getting to the Olympics is alive again. I can’t wait to see her and Quinn working together to get there!
“I love being Mayor, I love being Mayor”
The last bigger storyline for this episode was all about how Lou was handling being Hudson’s new Mayor. And although a year had passed since her election, it seemed that she was still struggling with the responsibility that her new position brought.
I mean, being Mayor while also trying to be a good mom to her daughters and a good big sister to a grieving Amy couldn’t be easy. At least she had her Chief Administrative Officer Rick to help her with the mayoral stuff. Granted, he might be more invested in the status of being the CAO of a town’s mayor, in general, no matter who the actual mayor is.
Fortunately, there was a bright spot in Lou’s life in the midst of all the struggles and pain – Mitch. We saw just a short video chat between the two since Lou was in Hudson while Mitch was at Aspen Grove. But during it, Mitch did ask Lou why she wasn’t wearing his ring.
Lou: “Am, I’m not wearing it.”
Lou’s answer was that she didn’t know how Amy would react if she saw a ring on Lou’s finger. So, could it really be that Lou and Mitch are engaged? I sure hope so! After all, why else would Lou be worried about Amy’s reaction if it wasn’t an engagement ring?
I’m just glad to see that Mitch and Lou worked things out since the final episode of last season left them on a bit of an uneven ground. And I’m excited to hear more about their future plans as well as see Lou tackling her mayoral duties.
Lou’s shadow
In my article on what can we expect to see in season 14, I mentioned that this season there are several new actors joining the cast of Heartland. And among them is Ava Tran.
In this episode, we caught the first glimpse at her as Parker protesting the use of pesticides outside Lou’s new office. I’m really intrigued by Ava’s character. So I can’t wait to learn more about Parker and see how she fits into the Heartland world.
Last thoughts on Heartland season 14 episode 1
As hard as it was to find out that Graham Wardle and therefore Ty won’t be a part of Heartland moving forward, I actually really loved this episode.
Ty’s loss was beautifully handled. And, now, after I’ve seen this episode, I think that this season will be amazing because there are so many great stories to explore. Not only when it comes to Amy’s widowhood and Ty’s legacy but also the future of all of the characters – Georgie’s Olympic dreams, Lou’s Mayoral run, you name it. So, I’m really hopeful that the future of Heartland is bright (and long).
READ NEXT: Review of Heartland season 14 episode 2
What did YOU think of the episode? Let me know in the comments below and see you next week with the review of episode 2 of season 14!
I know there had been rumors of Graham leaving Heartland but they were always pretty much denied so this was a real shock. I do know that Graham has a lot of other interests and I do understand that 13 years is a long time to be on show. I wish really miss his character. I hope he will continue to be on Facebook and will keep us updated on what he is up to. Now about the show, I thought his death was very well handled. I cried through the whole episode. There were several comments made on another post that they felt it should have been left open so that Ty could return if he changed his mind. I don’t really have a comment on that. Heartland has been, by far, my favorite TV show. I have watched Seasons 1 through 10 13 or 14 times. I had just started watching Season 10 again. I am excited to where the show will go and what will open up for Amy. Best wishes and best of luck to Graham. Will Miss Youy.
The first show of season 14 was good, and tear jecker. We will miss ty.Iam a long time watcher of Heartland and it’s a great show, And I hope it will stay on tv for a long time.
Me too, Michele, me too!
I am from California and because the Covid is so bad here I started to watch Heartland. Watched the first few episodes in season 1 and thought it was ok but after watching some more I was hooked. Finishing up on season 11 now and I cried reading what happen in season 14. I do hope Amy finds love again in this season. Yes she will always grieve for her first love Ty but she will find it again.
I honestly don’t know why ty wanted to leave? He could have done only a few of episodes and be gone for awhile and worked on other projects but I guess he was tired of Heartland and wanted to pursue other adventures full time. So sad!!!
It really is sad but I understand where Graham is coming from. 13 years in any job is a long time, even more so if you have to spend months at a time away from your family every year to film the show we all know and love!
The death was sudden and gut reaching when we have been manipulated for months about what might happen. Also I do not want to watch more of Lou and Georgie. They have never been favorites because I see them as self centered an most times annoying. So, I not quite sure I will continue watching. I have all the seasons through 12 but why it why would I want to watch all those feel good moments knowing Ty just dies?
This is so sad – since I am in the states, have not seen the episode – I have watched Ty since he first came to Heartland and this will be hard. It’s hard to imagine it is just a show but will continue to watch it. They have all seemed like family to me and Ty has been such an important part of it all. I am sure they will handle it with love and go on. I am not ready to see him in any other TV things right now but that will change. Good luck with the show.
I don’t even know if I will watch the show anymore. I watched the show because of Ty and Amy. Ty grew up in such difficult home situations to get his GED, College degree, and Vet License, marriage, daughter and dies all of a sudden.
Your review is excellent, I agree with you in that this episode was beautifully handled by everyone.
Having only found Heartland in March last year during the very tight lock down in Melbourne Australia it has been huge part of my life since then. A go to place to avoid all the doom of Covid and my own health issues. I think that the new season will be awesome and hope that there will be more to come.
Thank you, Michael, I’m glad that you enjoyed my review!
The episode was great sorry Ty’s gone but Amber and the rest of the cast did a great job can’t wait till next week
I agree, Marybeth, the cast did a phenomenal job. And I can’t wait for the next episode as well!
Wondering if Cassandra willl be seen more in Season 14 as the Vet working with Amy?
Not sure, Karen, but I hope so. I would love to see Cass and Amy working together more!
I was sad to hear about ty and I love this show can’t wait to start watching season 14 in the United States I’m sad for Amy and her child
I am heartbroken that Graham Wardle will no longer be a part of Heartland. The relationship between Amy & Ty has been a dynamic of the show since the very beginning and I will miss the Ty & Amy “little family.” Having watched the previous 13 seasons of Heartland, I am giving the writers of this wonderful show, the benefit of the doubt that they can successfully help us overcome Ty’s loss. This won’t be easy…..
I found Heartland during my retirement in 2014 and have been hooked ever since,I still watch all reruns on Cbc and UP tv,I was shooked by the first episode of season 14 but,even though I will miss the character of Ty,I am excited to see where it goes!It is a well written series so,I know it will be alright!!
I cried. It made me feel better seeing it after I had the spoilers & fan’s comments. I am living with loss & my children & family can’t comprehend how it feels. I think it was handled well. Grandpa Jack with the wise words. Amy expressing her true feelings & Tim taking a sledgehammer to the house. I hope the right people see this & maybe have a tiny understanding of grief & loss. I have lost my best friends mother in a horse riding accident, my sister at 23 with 2 babies, aunts & uncles too young with cancer, grandparents, parents & my husband at 60 from early onset Alzheimer’s. By far the hardest has been losing my spouse of 42 years. I will continue to watch this talented group of cast & crew❣️
I am so deeply sorry for all the loss you’ve experienced, Jane. But I’m glad to hear that you think that they did a good job with it because I think so too! It felt real and genuine.
I love Heartland and have probably watched an episode each day for the last four years. I was devastated to see Ty’s death, but the show was done beautifully. I lost my husband some years back so I could feel Amy’s grief. I will miss Ty as he was a wonderful actor and wish him well in his new endeavors, but I also look forward to Amy’s journey now. Heartland is a beautiful , realistic show.