The wait is over, Heartland fans because I can finally confirm that Heartland has been renewed for season 12. That’s right, Heartland season 12 is happening and CBC is giving another 11 episodes to Canada’s longest-running family drama. It will no doubt be a season of family, horses and coming together to celebrate this beautiful family-friendly show. Ain’t that a great way to ring in the weekend?
The announcement
If last year the announcement that Heartland has been picked up for another season was delivered by the show’s star Amber Marshall. Then this year the honor went to the Blog Whisperer. Who just put up the weekly Thursday blog, announcing the amazing news of Heartland getting a 12th season! You can read the full announcement in the picture below or by going to cbc.ca/heartland/blog!
What do we know about Heartland season 12?
So what do we know about Heartland season 12 so far? Well, to be frank, not much. Because the news that season 12 is happening broke just today. But we can tell you that Heartland season 12 will have 11 episodes. And that instead of premiering in late September or early October, Heartland season 12 will launch on January 6, 2019.
On top of that, we do know that all the lead actors will be back for Heartland season 12. Which includes Amber Marshall, Graham Wardle, Shaun Johnston, Chris Potter, Michelle Morgan, Alisha Newton and many more. And finally, we also know that the twelfth season of Heartland will go into production in about a month. Meaning that in a month we will start getting pictures from the set. As well as little more information on the upcoming season.
What do I want to see happen in the 12th season of Heartland?
Meanwhile, we can only talk about what we would like to see happen in Heartland season 12. And boy, there is a lot! For starters, I would love to see more of Ty and Lou, because this past season both characters were away quite a bit. I would also love to see more of Amy and Ty as parents and experiencing big moments like Lyndy’s first word and first step. Because those would definitely make for adorable scenes.
When it comes to Georgie, I would like to see her go further in her showjumping carrier. Because now that she won the Fall Finale in the last episode of season 11, she has definitely proven that she is a capable competitor. Additionally, I would love it if they did a bit lighter storylines for Tim next season. Because this past season Tim had a lot of hard and heavy scenes.
RELATED: Heartland Season 12 Episode 1 Review
For Lou, I think it would be really interesting to actually see what she has been up to in New York since we don’t get to see the commanding business-woman side of Lou that often. And as for Jack and Lisa… Since season 11 saw Lisa finally becoming a full-fledged member of the Heartland family. Her own fireplace stone and all. It would be great if in season 12 they would show Lisa really adjusting to her life at the Heartland ranch. And all the amazing storylines that could come out of it for her and Jack.
Now it’s your turn! Comment below and let me know how excited you are for Heartland season 12. And what do you want to see happen in it? Let’s celebrate the fact that Heartland is returning for season 12 in the comments!
I would love to see the *families* settling in in their own homes. I love the day to day agenda of what it is really like to live on a ranch in Canada. I want more of Jack and Lisa… more of Ty and Amy… and more of Lou with her children. I also enjoyed the people coming and going in the cabins and the local cafe. This show is…. hands down … the BEST family show on TV…. my grandkids and I watch faithfully. Don’t ever stop…..
Definitely, agree with you, Terri, Heartland is the best!
pleeez more ty …show just isnt the same without him; his character was developed over many seasons and now he’s absent too much and with “reasons” that are totally out of character.he has great relationships with all other characters. “ty” would never be away from amy and lyndy so often/so long especially after two recent near death experiences….maybe the wolf cull but a work conference on thanksgiving and lily’s sobriety anniversary are ridiculous & disappointing excuses. rewatched seasons 1-5 original cast & storylines; fabulous interesting emotional calming and fun. i cant understand for the life of me why amy’s gift has been relegated to georgie who has seemingly taken over every episode for several seasons.( even ghost horse!) not just disappointing but annoying. i hope season 12 (and beyond :)) has returned to original heartland roots. more ty amy lyndy jack lisa caleb lou ,scott the funny not vicious tim ,mallory/jake mrs bell whoever lou chooses and horses. also hope lyndy’s first birthday is an eventful episode season 12 bc it seems to have been overlooked.
Season 12 will only have 11 episodes, and it is airing later in the season? Except for season 1 (which had 13 episodes) all the other seasons had 18 episodes. So they are cutting back 7 episodes for the upcoming season. I hope they are not planning on this being the final season of the series.
I hope so too, Eugene! To quote the official Heartland blog: “There has been no indication that season 12 will or won’t be the final season”. And since lately a lot of TV shows are doing shorter seasons, all hope isn’t lost yet.
I would love to see more Ty in season 12 he has been in out too much of season 10 and 11. I would to see TY and Amy start building their house because there will trouble for sure . I want to see Amy and Ty work together and less of Ty at the clinic . I would love to see more of Ty and Amy with Lyndy . I want to see more Jack and Tim banter back and forth because there scenes crack me up and to see Ty and Caleb scenes because they are always good for a laugh and less boy drama for Georgie and her get back into trick riding see more of Lou in season 12 as well .
No more Lyndy, or other babies/children. More horses.
i really think that Ty and Amy should have another baby because then maybe Ty would be in it more often… I am super tired of Georige and her drama… all the sudden in season 6 Georgie jut totally took over Amy’s lead. I think that there should be less Georgie and more Amy and Ty. I LOVE HEARTLAND!
Quiero ver al reparto completo. La temporada 11 se apartó de la esencia de la serie( trabajo en equipo, familia, unión). Tú y Amy deben trabajar unidos, pero también tener vida de pareja con altas y bajas. Lou debe tener una pareja que tenga personalidad y la ayude, creo que ni Peter ni Scott lo han hecho, y Mitch es churro pero debe demostrar que es lo que quiere. No se pueden desaparecer Caleb, ni Mallory, ni Ashley, ni Val, son parte de la historia. En Colombia no la pasan, la veo por Netflix o la bajo pagando. Ojalá retomen lo que nos engancho a todos.
¡Gracias por tu comentario Maria! So great to hear that Heartland has fans outside of Canada and US!
Heartland is captivating script writing and cinematography. The finger is on the pulse of each character. The consistency of the show’s creative angles, effectively include plot and character development and allows us to partake in the welcoming drama of frequently wonderful short and high quality takes per scene. Makes viewer want to imagine on own what may happen next.
Well said, Annie B!
I started watching ths show by accident thn I just fell in love with it and all the characters. I would love to see Scott and Lou get together. Happy about season 12, can’t wait!!
I always have a big smile on my face when I watch Heartland! It’s a great, clean family show, good acting and beautiful scenery. So looking forward to Season 12.
I couldn’t understand why Ty was missing for so many events like Marion’s Memorial Ride and Thanksgiving. Please, no more Mongolia for him… I was expecting him to be killed there and written out. Thank goodness that didn’t happen!
Canadian, eh!
I too love Heartland and am thrilled that it is going to come back for another season. I would definitely like to see Lisa more, I really like her. Would like to see Lou more and have her and Mitch work something out. Ty and Amy should take Jack up on the property he gave them and build a new house and work together more as horse woman and vet. I love Georgie too and her story line, just give her more challenges and good old Tim, he is a person to keep things interesting. What about Caleb and Cassandra, give them some more air time too. And Katie wasn’t on much either and of course Peter, he’s always good. I guess we just like to see the whole cast. It is a really good cast and they all have a great part of the story.
I agree, Patti! I would also like to just mostly see more of the whole cast. They all are fantastic!
Smith-I would love for the writers to bring Peter job near Heartland so him and Lou can work things out. I like Peter because he is not a cowboy and that what make the show interesting. I love to see him, Lou and the girls in there own house. It time for Lou to stop going to New York and be there for her girls. Peter is considered an outsider and someone in all family married that unexpected person. Peter and Lou are business minded people. Mitch does know to much about business dealing. Please get them back together.