It was amazing to hear the Heartland theme song playing on Sunday night before a brand new episode. And it was even more amazing to finally learn the name Ty and Amy chose for their daughter. This Heartland season 11 opener was an amazing start to the new season. Full of new beginnings and promises of happiness. So without further ado, here is my Heartland season 11 episode 1 recap.
Warning, spoilers ahead!
The overbearing father
It is safe to say that the theme of Heartland season 11 episode 1 was trust issues because on this episode we saw Ty being very much an overbearing father. While Amy was trying to be the intermediary between Ty and, well, everyone else.
The episode started with a little bit of an action sequence that nicely set up the horse-related storyline of this Heartland season 11 premiere. As well as with Amy finally being back on Spartan and enjoying her morning ride. But the best part of the beginning portion of the episode was the reveal of Amy and Ty’s daughter’s name. Because we found out that the new parents had named their daughter after Amy’s grandmother. That’s right, their daughter’s name is Lyndy Marion Borden. Beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.
However, that wasn’t the only thing we found out at the beginning of the episode. Because soon after the reveal of Baby Borden’s name we also realized that Ty might be a little too overprotective of his daughter. But, as it turned out, there was a good reason for his behavior.
After Ty’s mom Lily came for a visit to meet her granddaughter, but Ty didn’t even let Lily watch Lyndy alone, Jack figured that there might be a reason for Ty’s erratic behavior. And that reason was a blast from last season’s past.
Trust issues
Do you remember how at the end of season 10 Ty was sick and he had a fever-induced dream about his dad? Well, in that dream Ty’s dad told him that he is not going to be a good father. And even if Ty didn’t realize it himself, this dream really impacted his behavior. It led Ty to try and control every little detail regarding his daughter. From sleep cycles to people who watch her. And it also led Ty to not trust anyone but himself to take care of little Lyndy.
But luckily, Jack was there to point out this fact to Ty. So by the end of Heartland season 11 episode 1 we saw Ty letting go of his fear of not being a good dad, and just enjoying raising his daughter to the best of his ability. And, by doing so he bettered his relationship with his mom, as well as with Amy. Because during the episode, we saw Amy being quite frustrated with Ty’s control freak ways.
And, the end of the episode saw the Fleming-Borden family of three coming together and seemingly forming a bond that is stronger than ever. Let’s hope it stays that way all through the season! Because it was amazing to see Ty and Amy explore their roles as new parents.
The horse storyline of Heartland season 11 episode 1 revolved around a champion show jumping horse named Flame, who had lost his wish to jump after a traumatic event.
Remember how I mentioned that the episode started with a bit of an action sequence? Well, the sequence showed us just what scared Flame so much. A truck almost struck the trailer with Flame in it, which really traumatized the horse. And, after no one was able to figure out how to get Flame back on track, Val Stanton, Flame’s owner, turned to Amy for help. Yet, Amy wasn’t the one to bond with Flame. It was actually Georgie.
Amy really tried to work with Flame, but with her new baby and Ty’s mom visiting, she didn’t really have much time or energy to do so. So Georgie stepped up and tried her hand at getting Flame to jump again. And it turned out that Flame connected with Georgie instantly. The horse was back to jumping and showing great results in no time.
But, when Val Stanton brought in Flame’s trainer, it seemed that all progress will be lost. However, Georgie’s connection with Flame was strong, so Georgie showed Val what she’s got, which ended up with Val proposing Georgie to continue training with Flame. And by the end of the episode, Georgie accepted Val’s offer. So it seems that for Georgie season 11 will be all about show jumping and training on a whole new level. And I can’t wait to see how this storyline develops.
The truck and Mitch
Speaking of storylines featured on Heartland season 11 episode 1. I also have to mention the one about the truck. Because with that we also saw the return of Mitch.
Since Ty was away for most of Amy’s pregnancy and was sick just before she gave birth, Ty didn’t quite have time to buy a new truck for them. But in this season 11 opener we saw Ty finally tackling this issue, so he could provide a safe way to transport his precious daughter. Though, of course, purchasing a new truck wasn’t quite a smooth sailing, especially with Tim breathing down Ty’s neck.
At first, Tim dragged Ty to a dealership, where they ended up meeting Mitch and Tim giving Lou’s ex the stink eye. And then Ty made a snap decision to buy a truck from a guy who was selling one in his driveway. Which ended up blowing in Ty’s face, when the truck broke down and Ty wasn’t able to fix it.
Luckily, Tim and Jack came to Ty’s rescue. They managed to not only get Ty’s money back for the truck they bought. But they also managed to find Ty a new one and for a good price, too. Granted the price was probably so low because Mitch was the one selling the truck and Tim was the one to broker the deal. But nonetheless, the Fleming-Borden family had a new truck. And Mitch was in a way back in the Heartland universe as well, after leaving at the end of Heartland season 10 finale.
Now we will just have to see if Mitch will actually return to the ranch and to working for Jack. Because I really liked the Lou and Mitch pairing and wouldn’t mind if it was explored further.
Last thoughts on Heartland season 11 episode 1
I absolutely loved the bonding moment between Tim and Lily. They both have pasts that they aren’t quite proud of, and they both felt like Amy and Ty weren’t trusting them around Lyndy. Which ended up bonding the two grandparents together in a very interesting and unexpected way. And I hope that Lily will be back for more episodes, because I would love to see more interactions between her and Tim, Ty and the rest of Heartland characters.
Episode highlights:
• Amy being back on Spartan
• learning Ty and Amy’s daughter’s name
• seeing the new parents dynamic with each other and their daughter
• Ty being a great dad to Lyndy
• seeing Mitch on Heartland again
• Georgie bonding with Flame and getting him to jump again
• Ty’s mom being back
• Ty’s mom wanting to bond with Lyndy
• Lily and Tim bonding
• Amy jumping Spartan
• Tim and Jack negotiating to get Ty’s money back for the truck
• Jack making Ty realize why he is acting so crazy when it comes to Lyndy
• Mitch selling Ty his dad’s truck
• Ty apologizing to his mom
• Amy not being able to lie to Ty
• Georgie accepting Val’s offer to keep training with Flame
• Amy, Ty and little Lyndy dancing on the bed of their new truck
Episode low points:
• Ty not trusting his mother to be around Lyndy alone
• Tim basically pressuring Ty in making the bad decision about the truck
• Val Stanton not trusting Georgie to ride Flame
Quote of the episode:
Tim: “What are they feeding you? What is that?”
Ty: “Spinach, broccoli, and banana. You want some?”
I’m at season 11. I feel angry with Ty for returning to Mongolia while Amy and Tim follow. The dangers are serious and Ty can’t get hold of Amy to warn her not to come.
I used to love Ty. He arrived at Heartland a hot mess because of his father issues. It appears his little daughter is going to grow up with the same issues. Ty seems to find staying home boring. He apparently has an excitement addiction. He’s a lousy father just like his father said in his dream.
And for Lord sake, why does Amy encourage him to go to Mongolia to save a horse???
Putting horses and bears before their children makes no sense.
I was instantly hooked before Ty and Amy got married. I’m furious with Ty can you tell?
where can i watch season 11 at?
A good place to watch Heartland season 11 is on http://www.cbc.ca/heartland/episodes/season-11.
Does anyone know when season 11 is coming out on DVD for Australia? Just finished season 10 and and anxious for season 11!!!!
Most likely Heartland season 11 will come out on DVD in Australia this September.
I’m with Robert. Loved seasons 1 / 9. Could not believe Ty left Amy pregnant, for MONGOLIA of all places knowing the danger. And now leaving his family for the WOLVES. He’s like his dad on the run only he has so called reasons. Can’t stand this story line. Hope it turns around and bites him like with what happend with Blair.
Hi, I thought Lou turned down Peter s offer to finance Maggie s 2 in NY…When did she accept his offer …in the Season 11 opening?
I can’t get the show where I live but I have the eve s for seasons 1-10. I am so glad I found this web sight so I can keep up with Heartland.
As for Robert s comment, a tv show on for so many years has to evolve with a few ” growing ” pains .. My hope is fans will. Realise this and stay supportive of Heartland. Think of Downton Abbey and how it evolved its characters.
In the USA , Gunsmoke ran 15 years before it ended.
Who knows how much longer the actors will want to continue.
Grandma LJ
Hi, Linda!
I am glad you found TVshowpilot, and I am glad it helps you keep up with Heartland while you are waiting for the new season to get to where you live.
Lou did turn down Peter’s offer, as it was explained in the episode, it turns out Lou had found another investor which is why Maggies 2 is still happening.
And I definitely agree with what you are saying about the characters evolving. I think it’s the only way you can keep the show alive, going and interesting for such a long time. So far I think Heartland has definitely managed to do that.
Don’t get me wrong,I love Heartland and have for years . You have to do “MUCH” better than this or I am afraid this will be the last season !!!!! I sure hope that I am wrong !
I really hope so, too, Robert!
I agree, season 10 the whole Mongolia thing and now Ty leaving again for the wolves. Like his dad not being a good family man always on the run away from his family.