When it comes to CBC’s Heartland, there have been many questions the fans of the show have been asking over the course of the seasons. They range from what happens to Lou and Peter to questions about Mallory as well as inquiries about Ty’s faith on Heartland season 10. This is why I thought I should do a blog post answering some of the most popular Heartland questions, so you have the answers all in one place.
Fair warning though, this post does contain Heartland spoilers, so keep that in mind. Especially if you haven’t seen all of the show’s seasons.
Do Heartland’s Lou and Peter get a divorce on the show?
One of the most popular questions out there is what happened to Lou and Peter in Heartland. Do they divorce? Or do they get back together? So I thought I start this questions and answers post with that.
And, unfortunately, there isn’t a happy answer to this question, because, yes, Lou and Peter do get a divorce.
This storyline started in Heartland season 8 and dragged all through season 9, with them dealing with the separation, telling their daughters about it and finally deciding to divorce.
But only on season 10 episode 10 Lou and Peter actually sign divorce papers.
It officially confirmed that they are in fact divorced now. However, this step actually kind of brought the two closer together. And although it didn’t result in the two getting back together, they continue to co-parent their two daughters, Georgie and Katie, as a cohesive parenting unit.
Do Lou and Peter get back together on Heartland?
As the last sentence of the previous question confirms, Lou and Peter didn’t get back together on Heartland season 10, season 11 or even season 12. However, over the course of the seasons, there were a couple of Heartland moments that did make us think that it might happen.
For example, in season 8 Lou and Peter shared sweet moments in the last two episodes of the season. Which even resulted in Georgie thinking that her parents might get back together.
Then, although in season 9 we saw Lou leaving her engagement and wedding rings on Peter’s apartment’s counter, there were a few hopeful moments between the two as well.
And in season 10 Peter got involved with Lou’s business venture, which also brought them together rather than further apart. For a while, at least.
But ultimately, the parents of two didn’t get back together. Not until season 15 that is.
As season 14 progressed, we saw Lou and Mitch’s relationship slowly deteroarate and at the end of season 14 Lou and Mitch officially broke up. On top of that, Peter also called Lou and admitted that he still had feelings for Lou.
So, season 15 saw Lou deal with that revelation and trying to figure out what her feelings towards Peter are and if them getting back together would be the best move for them as well as their daughters.
However, by the end of season, the two couldn’t deny their feelings towards each other anymore and in the season 15 finale the two decided to officially get back together and even told Katie about it, with a trip to Florida planned during which they would tell their news to Georgie as well.
Do Heartland’s Lou and Scott get married?
I am not quite sure where this question comes from, because if you are caught up on Heartland, then you know that Lou and Scott are nothing more than friends. However, for those still curious, no, Lou and Scott didn’t get married.
They did kind of date in Heartland season 1. And in Heartland season 2 episode 5 Lou did propose to Scott. However, in the next episode, they already broke up.
And by the end of Heartland season 2 Lou was already seeing her now ex-husband Peter. So sorry to all the Lou and Scott shippers out there, but they never did get to walk down the aisle.
Where to watch Heartland season 1
However, if you love Lou and Scott as a couple, then you should definitely watch Heartland season 11 episode 13. Because they share a heated kiss on that episode.
And, even though they decide to stay friends in the very next episode, I think the kiss is a nice treat to all the Lou and Scott fans out there. Since for a brief moment, you could imagine what it would be like if Lou and Scott got back together.
Do Lou and Mitch get together on Heartland season 10?
This question has probably been on everybody’s mind ever since we met Heartland’s new ranch hand Mitch and saw the chemistry he had with Lou. And to put your mind at ease, yes, Lou and Mitch do get together during Heartland season 10.
Unfortunately, by the end of the season, we were not sure about the future of this couple. Mainly because on Heartland season 10 episode 18 we saw Mitch leaving Heartland without saying Lou goodbye and taking all of his stuff with him.
Yet Mitch was back in Heartland ranch in both seasons 11 and 12. And in season 13 episode 6 Lou and Much were very much together and even bought a ranch of their own.
However, by the end of the season, it looked light their lives might be going in different directions once again. And at the end of season 14, the two officially split up.
Does Mallory come back to Heartland?
Ever since Mallory left Heartland to go to Paris in season 7 episode 4, the fans of the show have been wanting to see Mallory again. And on the latest show’s season, our wishes were granted because on Heartland season 10 episode 13 Mallory was back in Canada and back in Heartland.
And I have to say that the two-episode arc for Mallory was pretty great.
It showed us how Mallory has changed over the years. And it also was an amazing treat for fans of the show. Especially, because Mallory wasn’t the only character to come back during episodes 13 and 14 of season 10. Jake was back, too.
And the two will visit Heartland in season 16 once again.
What happened to Mallory and Jake on Heartland season 10?
As you hopefully already read, Mallory did come back to Heartland during season 10 of the show. And with her came also Jake.
But what happened to Mallory and Jake on Heartland season 10? And who does Mallory end up on Heartland? Read on to find out!
So the reason for Mallory’s homecoming was that Jake proposed, but, Mallory not knowing what to say or think, made a snap decision to return home.
At first, she pretended that everything was fine. But as Heartland season 10 episode 13 went on we got the feeling that everything might not be as rosy as Mallory painted it to be. And then at the very end of the episode, Jake showed up as well, asking Mallory to talk.
It turned out that Mallory had run from her life in Europe because everything wasn’t going quite as well as she had hoped. But when Jake came back, too, they talked and decided to get married the very next day.
However, during their celebratory engagement dinner, Mallory changed her mind, leaving Jake devastated. Following the disastrous dinner, Mallory decided to go back to London, while Jake set his mind on driving down to Mexico.
Fortunately, both halves of the couple realized how much they love each other and reconciled.
On top of that, they also went through with their plan of getting married and said their vows in the barn in a beautiful wedding ceremony surrounded by their Heartland family.
So that is the condensed version of what happened to Mallory and Jake during the two episodes they were back on our favorite family drama.
Where to watch Heartland season 10
When does Ty come back in Heartland season 10?
Heartland season 10 threw us for quite a loop when Ty decided to go to Mongolia with Bob to exercise his veterinary skills and help save the Gobi bears.
And it was early in the season too, as Ty left Heartland for Mongolia on season 10 episode 4. So for all of season 10 we were wondering if and when does Ty comes back from Mongolia.
It wasn’t until Heartland season 10 episode 17 that Ty was back on Canadian soil. And even then he didn’t quite come back the same as he left. Meaning that Ty came back very sick and was fighting for his life all through the episode. But does it mean that Ty dies in Heartland season 10?
No, Ty doesn’t die. How could he with his and Amy’s child about to come into the world?
He did flatline for a bit in episode 17, which forced his subconscious to address the question of if he will be a good father to their baby. But, luckily, Ty pulled through and by the end of episode 18, Ty had a clean bill of health.
So Ty or Graham Wardle, who plays Ty definitely isn’t leaving Heartland. And you can be sure to see much more of Ty in the next seasons.
When does Heartland’s Amy give birth?
All through Heartland season 10 we watched Amy’s belly grow. And as much as I wanted for Amy and Ty’s baby to be born before the Heartland season 10 finale, that wasn’t the case. So Amy gave birth to their daughter only on Heartland season 10 episode 18.
Luckily Ty was there to support his wife every step of the way, with their family waiting for next just downstairs to meet baby Lyndy.
What happens to Georgie and Adam in Heartland season 10?
Then another Heartland couple’s question that has been frequently asked is what happens to Georgie and Adam in Heartland season 10.
In season 9 we saw the teenager get together, and at the beginning of season 10, they were navigating through their relationship as best as they could.
But, unfortunately, on Heartland season 10 episode 13 the couple broke up, mainly due to the fact that Adam didn’t really trust Georgie.
Luckily, by the end of Heartland season 10, Georgie and Adam did manage to become friends again.
But, since then, Georgie moved on with Wyatt, then Dylan, and then finally settled down with Quinn in season 14, so it looks like Georgie and Adam will remain just friends.
Who dies in season 12 of Heartland?
Episode 10 of Heartland season 12 had us really worried that one of Heartland’s main characters is going to die. However, although a character’s death was announced during the episode, it wasn’t Jack, Ty, Lisa or any of the other main characters.
So, who died in season 12 of Heartland?
It was Jack’s old friend Will Vernon. You might remember him, played by Nicholas Campbell, from Heartland’s Christmas special A Heartland Christmas. Or the several other Heartland episodes that the character has appeared in. But sadly, as of Heartland season 12 episode 10 Will will only be a fond memory in Jack, Amy and the rest of the Bartlett-Fleming clan’s minds.
Who is June Bartlett on Heartland?
Heartland season 13 introduced us to a new character – June Bartlett. And during season 13 episode 3 it was revealed that June Bartlett, played by Canadian actress Carol Huska, was Jack’s sister who passed away when she was just 17 years old.
Will there be Heartland season 11?
Although for a long time we weren’t sure if there will be a Heartland season 11, as CBC took their sweet time to make the announcement. But, fortunately, now we know that Heartland did get renewed for season 11.
Where to watch Heartland season 11
Do we know the Heartland season 11 release date?
The Heartland season 11 premiere was on Sunday, September 24, 2017!
When will Heartland season 11 be on Netflix?
Since Heartland season 11 started airing on CBC on September 24, 2017 and concluded its run on April 8, 2018, and since each Heartland season is added to Netflix US a year after it finishes its run on CBC, we had to wait quite a while for the season to be added to Netflix.
But the wait is finally over, Heartland season 11 was added to Netflix US on August 1st, 2019.
Will there be a Heartland season 12?
Good news for all Heartland fans out there, Heartland was renewed for season 12 on April 26, 2018. Heartland season 12 consists of 11 episodes and it premiered on January 6, 2019, on CBC.
While Heartland season 12 premiered in the US on Thursday, July 25, 2019, on UP Faith & Family. And will begin airing on UPtv on October 2, 2019, at 9 pm eastern time. You can read our reviews of all the Heartland season 12 episodes here.
Is Heartland ending? Or will there be a Heartland season 13?
The question on many fans’ minds is whether Heartland is ending with season 12 or not. This speculation stems from the fact that season 12 is shorter than the last 10 seasons have been (season 1 was 13 episodes long, the rest have been 18 episodes). But now we can confirm that Heartland is definitely not ending. At least not with only 12 seasons under the show’s belt. Because the show got renewed for season 13 by CBC on April 25, 2019.
However, even if Heartland did get renewed for another season, don’t forget to still keep the momentum going and show your appreciation by talking about the show on social media as well as watching on CBC Gem, Netflix, Prime Video, UP Faith & Family and any other network that airs or lets you stream Heartland. Because the more people watch Heartland and make noise about the show on social media, the bigger the chance that there will be more seasons of Heartland.
How many seasons of Heartland are there?
As of right now, there are 15 seasons of Heartland in total.
Will there be a Heartland season 14?
We can confirm that there will, indeed, be a season 14 of Heartland! CBC Television renewed Heartland for season 14 on May 27, 2020. The season will consist of 10 episodes.
Where to watch Heartland season 13
When does Heartland season 13 premiere?
The Heartland season 13 premiered in Canada on CBC on Sunday, September 22, 2019. While in the US Heartland premiered on UP Faith & Family on Thursday, February 13, 2020, and on UPtv on Thursday, June 4th, 2020.
When will Heartland season 13 be on Netflix US?
Good news for all who love Heartland and have a Netflix subscription, because as of February 1st, 2021 Heartland season 13 is on Netflix US.
When does Heartland season 14 premiere?
It was recently announced that Heartland season 14 will premiere on CBC on Sunday, January 10, 2021, at 7 pm!
Is Graham Wardle leaving Heartland? Does Ty die in season 14?
Now that season 14 has premiered, we finally know Ty’s faith.
During the opening scenes of Heartland season 14 episode 1 we see Ty have a blood clot which, sadly, leads to Ty passing away. So yes, unfortunately, Ty does die in Heartland season 14.
The rest of season 14 takes place a year after Ty’s death and sees Amy coping with the passing of her husband.
In a message to fans (that you can watch below), Graham Wardle explained that he felt that it was time for him to move on to the next chapter of his life. And, although it was a hard decision to make, he hopes that the way his exit was handled will honor Heartland and Ty’s journey during his 14 seasons on the show.
Who shot Amy and Ty on Heartland season 13?
In Heartland season 13 episode 10, we saw Ty and Amy get injured while talking near the construction site of their home. And not just injured, they got shot. But who shot them?
It was one of Hudson’s mayoral candidate J. D. Werth’s men.
Werth asked his associate to shoot the wolf that has been coming near people’s homes due to a housing project Werth was building near a wildlife corridor. But instead of shooting the wolf, the man shot Amy in the shoulder and Ty in the side.
When will Heartland season 14 air in the US?
Good news for all the Heartland fans living in the United States, Heartland season 14 will premiere on UPTV’s streaming service UP Faith & Family on May 6th, 2021!
Where to watch Heartland season 14
Will there be a Heartland season 15?
It’s official, Heartland will be back for season 15.
The season 15 renewal was announced by Amber Marshall on June 2nd, 2021. Heartland season 15 consists of 10 episodes and premiered in Canada (on CBC and CBC Gem) on Sunday, October 17.
Where can I watch Heartland season 15?
For those living in Canada, you can watch Heartland season 15 anytime you want on CBC Gem.
US fans will be able to watch Heartland season 15 on UP Faith & Family starting Thursday, March 17th.
Will there be a Heartland season 16? When does it premiere?
It’s official, Heartland was renewed for season 16. The season consisted of 15 episodes and premiered on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022.
According to the IATSE Local 212 (the Union of Stage, Motion Picture and Scenic Artists and Technicians in Southern Alberta) website, Heartland began shooting season 16 on June 6th (with the end date listed as November 30th). So you can expect to see behind-the-scenes photos and filming updates all throughout this time period.
Want to know more about the upcoming season? Then check out our article on everything you need to know about Heartland season 16.
Who does Robert Cormier play on Heartland?
With the tragic news of the sudden passing of Robert Cormier, a lot of Heartland fans, who maybe haven’t seen season 15 yet, are wondering who did the actor play on the show.
So, I’m here to answer that question.
Robert Cormier played Finn Cotter, a gifted farrier who we met in Heartland season 15 episode 8 when Finn helped Amy work with his grandfather’s draft horse Butch and gave Spartan corrective shoeing to help with the horse’s arthritis.
And during the time Amy and Finn spent together, it seemed that there were some sparks between the two, especially after their talk about feeling guilty about moving on and finding happiness with someone else.
Finn was also part of Heartland season 16.
In season 16 Amy and Finn’s relationship deepened despite the fact that Finn was not forthcoming with Amy when it comes to his private life.
But eventually, Finn returned home to Kindersley to rekindle the romance with his ex-fiancée.
Is Heartland season 17 happening?
Yes, Heartland was renewed for season 17 on Monday, May 8th, 2023.
Heartland season 17 consisted of 10 episodes and premiered on October 1st, 2023.
Has Heartland been renewed for season 18?
Yes, Heartland has, indeed, been renewed for season 18!
Season 18 will have ten episodes and will begin airing on CBC and CBC Gem this fall!
My wife has severe dementia and has to be institutionalized now. But somehow watching Heartland on Netflix is something that she still get into and she can spend hours a day watching the show. Of course she does not care what order she is watching the episodes in! I think it is wonderful because these become hours that she does not agonize over and remorse the loss of her mental abilities. So, I have watched all the the available episodes for all the seasons many times while I visit her each day at the care facility. So, I am grateful for the Heartland serials.
However one thing that strikes me as odd about it there are essentially no boys on the show? All of the births of Lou and Amy are girls. Likewise, all of the children who come to live on the Heartland ranch (e.g., Georgie, Mallory) are girls. And doesn’t the girls father have yet another child who is also a girl? It is as though the writers cannot cope with writing script for a boy going from childhood to adulthood or they have an aversion to dealing with boys. Any given the show portrays a very long period of time the total absence of boys in the extended family is kind of curious and I wonder what the reason was?
I wondered if my thoughts were “off base”. But no. Over the last two years I have hired a daily caretaker to work with my wife in the nursing home and so this woman has seen all the issues too and so I mentioned this to her and she replied, yes she had noticed it too and thought it strange also?
Thoughts? Reasons? Thanks!
That’s not true. Tim has a son Shane, not another daughter. And before Georgie came to live at Heartland Ty came to the ranch in the same way. And in season 12 Amy and Ty foster a boy named Luke.
But I’m glad Heartland can give your wife such comfort.
We absolutely love heartland! We look forward to it every night !! It is a family-based show for couples to get enjoy that are Christians also!! please keep the shows coming they have changed our lives… We watch it on Netflix… Are you going to still continue to have it show there ? noticed season 15 that Netflix isn’t listed to be showing yet we don’t have any of the other channels… Whoever is writing this please continue. it is an amazing show and all of the actors are amazing thank you for giving my husband and I something to watch together that is not polluted… In this day and age We need more shows like heartland…
Season 15 will probably be on Netflix eventually, no specific date has been given yet, though. And yes, Heartland is still going strong, season 16 (which I will be doing recaps for!) premieres in Canada on October 2nd.
I would love to see Ty come back. I just watched all the Seasons up to 14 and it made me sad to know Amy and Ty didn’t get to live in their new home. I think Ty should come back and live a full life with Amy and their daughter. Thanks for the Seasons.
In Heartland why doesn’t Lou and Peters’s daughter Katie speak?
Katie does speak. There used to be fewer storylines with Katie but especially in the last two seasons, Katie has had many of her own storylines.
I love heartland better the any show I have ever watched I like it the most because it shows love and family and friends but it don’t show all the sex like all the other shows do now day I have watched heartland from first season to the 14th season I don’t know if 15th season.has.come out yet for the USA but I can’t wait to see more.of heartland I and my son would set up 2 night and days to watch the show till we couldn’t stay awake any.longer I think Amy and Mitch should get together and have more kids and lou and Peter get back together and I really love Jack how loving and caring he is and I think lisa is the right woman for him I think Tim is a hot head sometimes but it’s a good part for him I would love for him to find is forever person and I like to see some of the ones who has been gone.to come back its a beautiful place there in Heartland I would love to be able to come there and visit I am 60 years old and have never got to go anywhere to travel I always wanted to but I never have.i am from Henderson Kentucky thanks for the best showi have ever seen Deborah Barron
What happened to Cassandras’ pregnancy, thought the test showed positive (may have missed a few episodes that explained what happened)? Where did the name Vern Caldwell (owner of the barn/stables where horses died from the big fire) come from, had a great uncle in Colorado with that name?
Caleb and Cass had a baby boy named Carson.
As.a child I have loved horses. Where does the Heartland series get their horses? I am impressed by the different breeds and how the show’s writers have integrated in the storylines the bond between horses and people.
I just started watching Heartland and LOVE IT!!!! It’s something me and my kids can watch together. It deals with love, teenage issues, family relationships. JUST LOVE IT! I hope it goes on forever and Mallory becomes a horse whisperer or something. Love her character.
I may be one of the few but I have never cared for the Lou character. She’s too self-absorbed and it’s all about Lou and what she wants. I think Lou and Mitch make it very odd couple and he needs to be with someone younger and wants to have a family. I think she’s just better by herself and that’s okay. I love the show kind of would like to see Amy get with Cooper
Season 12 episode 6 diamond in the Rough. Ty and Amy are in bed and Ty says “if it wasn’t for people like your mom giving me a second chance I wouldn’t be here today … how did Amy’s mom give Ty a second chance when she died before Ty came on the show.
Amy’s mom was the one to hire Ty before her death so that’s how Ty ended up at Heartland and the rest, as they say, is history.
Amy’s mom had already signed the probation papers for Ty to come to Heartland. This is told in season 1
I am 83 and wife 83 too. We watch Heartline every night before we go to sleep It is an amazing series. It groups one on one relationships to similar conflicts throughout the series. Facial expressions of characters are awesome and never overdone. Timing of body language is just awesome as well. The more episodes we watch, the more we see the skills to make the characters phenomenal. Timing of appropriate eye movements astound me every night to the point i begin to laugh with amazement. Beats going to the theatre every episode. Thank you so much for making our last days on earth so enjoyable.
I am a retired now 70 year old woman who watches Nextflex and came across the Heartland series and literally , like some teenage kid, fell in love with the series, cast, but especiially the characters of TY, Graham Wardle and Amy, Amber Marshall. They made the show so exciting, romantic and quite eventful. I felt quite fortunate to watch the entire 13 seasons on Netflix. After searching, I found season 14 where Ty dies and 15 for Ty’s memorial with Amy. Like the numerous other fans around the world, I was devastated and even though I had read about it on Heartland’s web site, I couldn’t prepare myself for this scene. In my time, it was May 2021. I hadn’t shed a single tear since my father’s passing in 2008 nor at any other occasions. I wept profusely all the way through seasons 14 and 15. I even woke up my sister at 4 something in the morning crying so hard I couldn’t speak. Yes, I saw Graham’s farewell to fans and his journey to explore and find himself after 14 years on the set. I totally understand and wish him the best of luck for whatever he chooses to do. I even purchased his book that had a couple of his co-stars in his photography. I realize CBC and Heartland’s cast and executives tried your best to keep him. He will definitely be missed by all. I reside in Boerne, Texas between Austin and San Antonio. Please let me and numerous other fans know on your Heartland web site if the series will continue or not. I’ve also found the Heartland series on t.v. channel 2/KCWX2 that shows 2 seasons each on Sat. and Sundays. I’m currently watching Heartland on Netflex my second time and will probably watch it over and over, and each time I find things that I had missed before like the symbolism of the white horse and Ty’s near death experiences and the wolf that appears and Ty’s fear of it which eventually is the very reason Ty dies from the gun shot/blood clot. And the number of times Ty proposes to Amy. I literally danced and screamed for joy at their wedding scene. Even if the series continues, I’m one fan that doesn’t want Amy to remarry in the show. My husband died in real life at age 48. I raised my one daughter myself but never remarried. She is now age 41 with her own family and 6 years older than Ty who should be around 35. I must close, but ya’ll have numerous new fans now following Heartland on Netflex. Please continue to keep us abreast of what’s happening on Heartland for 2021/2022. I’ve learned alot on the website and continue to watch the videos and whatever I can find but as for the questions and answers, much of it seems to be statements by the cast that haven’t been updated, but then again, I could be wrong and that stars hire staff to answer the curious fans. Chech u later !!
Your response is beautiful!! I feel the same as you about not having Amy remarry, which I don’t think they will bc her own mom never did and had been single for the 10 yrs of Tim’s absence!! Just like fans were wishing for a son for Ty when Amy was pregnant, they went with a daughter to better represent her connection with her mom!! A lot of us really wanted to see Ty have a son to make up for the father/son relationship he never had with his dad!! But hind site I guess it may have played into them giving them a daughter to better set things down the road when he finally left, bc it had been talked about for quite a while before he finally left!! Hence season 10 where he was practically AWOL!! I read somewhere he went through a very tough decision with his personal life and divorce (which had been in 2018) that changed his perspective on moving forward.
I have yours and millions of others’ convictions on being a hard-core SUPER FAN!!! I own ALL the DVD’s and watch over and over(even just playing in the background) nearly every day and have been watching for years since and actually before my husband passed away at 59 and I’ve never nor do I intend to have any romantic relationships ever again! 33 yrs with one man was enough, in a good way I say that!!
I have researched and know probably 99% of everything about Heartland through many years!! I am a Peter/Lou fan although back in the day was a Scott/Lou fan but NEVER a Mitch/Lou fan, what say you?